If you are on Christmas “break” with your kids right now, I hope that the lack of schedule is proving to be enjoyable and relaxing. I crave structure as much as the next Type A personality but there comes a time when I really do love a good chance to sleep in (to 7:30) and watch (or attempt to) The Today Show with a warm cup of coffee in hand. A girl can dream right?
In addition to a little down time in the morning, I love the chance to browse some of my favorite blogs (other than Scottsdale Moms Blog of course!). I thought I’d share with you what I like to read on the internet. I would love to hear from you in the comments about your favorite blogs to read!
A Cup of Jo :: A magazine (Conde Nast) writer turned Blogger who happens to be a Mommy. JoAnna Goddard lives in NYC with her husband and toddler and writes about all things glamorous and gourmet as well as realistic and rudimentary. Her Friday roundup of all things cool is a particularly wonderful feature!
Cupcakes & Cashmere :: This blog has everything from great outfit ideas to decorating inspiration to just overall visual beauty. A great read, Writer Emily has been featured on the Today show often.
Enjoying the Small Things :: Kelle Hampton was a mom who wrote beautifully and photographed excellently until her second daughter was born with down syndrome unexpectedly. What happened after that amazing day, that she chronicles here, transformed her life and her blog into a place of unexpected beauty. If you have a moment to get lost in something you should read this blog, but make sure the tissues are close by.
Atlantic-Pacific :: A fashion blog only, I love this blog for great inspiration and bold fashion ideas. Totally unrealistic for the Mom wardrobe needs but so fun to look at!
Smitten Kitchen :: The most beautiful food blog you have ever seen. While the recipes are a little out of my league, a Mom can wish for culinary expertise through osmosis, right? Even if you don’t cook a thing from this blog, it is really fun to read.
What about you? Where do you tend to go when you have a minute to spare on the internet?
Photo: Flickr creative commons user Terence_S_Jones