We have a lost library book problem at my house. My twins read about 20 books a month between the two of them. Their interest and reading levels change constantly, so we go through a ton of books. Because of this, we go to the library to check out books on a regular basis. And I am very thankful for the Scottsdale Public Library!
But here is what typically happens. We check out about 12 books each time we go (three kids each picking out four books). Everyone happily reads their books at home. Then books get traded between the kids. And about two weeks later, I get an email reminder that our library books are due. Yikes, add that to the to-do list for the day. I proceed to frantically search the house for all library books. And I am sure you can guess how many of the original 12 books I manage to find. Typically the answer is 11. There is always one missing book! Eventually it turns up in some random spot, but that is not before I have to keep renewing our library account to check out the books longer, or miss the deadline and have to pay a fine. I cannot be the only one with this problem.
Luckily, a good friend shared her solution for the missing library book problem. She keeps a separate tote bag for the library books. All the library books in her house must be put back in the bag when the kids are finished. She keeps the library bag by the garage door, so when the books are due, she just grabs the bag and goes. Of course you must get your kids on board for this to work. But with enough practice, it can be done!
Such a simple idea, yet why I could not figure this one out on my own makes me question my organization skills. I took this one step further, and I organized all of our activities with different bags. So now we have a dance bag, tennis bag, swim bag, etc. I keep track of what activities we have that day, and then I just grab the right bag on my way out the door. I hope passing on this tip will help you too.
I would love to pick up one or more of these totes from Thirty-one Gifts to monograph with our name, because they really are so pretty and fun. But, really, any bag designated as the “library bag” will work.
What a GREAT idea! Thanks Angela. I know my kids have lost a book or two before.
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