July is National Ice Cream Month! We recently hosted an ice cream themed party. These cute ice cream cone cupcakes were a big hit with the preschool crowd. Making the cupcakes was pretty easy – box mix, cone on top, bake. Add in a wonderful Gigi to help decorate them, and ta-da, that’s it! The biggest challenge was coming up with a way to neatly transport them to the park. After a little trial and error, we put together this easy and affordable DIY Ice Cream Cone Cupcake Display.
- Family Size Cereal Box (one per dozen cupcakes)
- Small Scrap of Paper
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Packing Tape
- Wrapping Paper
- Gift Wrap Tape
DIY Ice Cream Cone Cupcake Display Instructions

1. Purchase flat bottom ice cream cones.
2. Find an empty family size cereal box. The smaller cereal boxes just aren’t tall enough. Thicker cardboard is harder to cut. The cereal box weight was perfect for this project.
3. Trace the top of the cone. Cut out circle. (picture 1)
4. Trace the bottom of the cone. Cut out circle. (picture 1)
5. Place the larger circle on your cereal box and trace. Repeat leaving about 1/2″ between the circles. I was able to trace 12 circles on my family size box. (picture 2)
6. Place the smaller circle in the center of the traced circle on your cereal box. Repeat for each large circle. (picture 3)

7. Use a sharp scissors to pierce a hole in the center of each small circle. Repeat for each circle. (picture 1)
8. Make a cut from the center of the circle to the edge of the large circle. Repeat this so that there are four cuts per large circle. Repeat for each circle. (picture 2)
9. Gently press the cardboard down to create a storage compartment. Repeat for each circle. (picture 3)

10. Use packing tape to seal the top of the box. (picture 1)
11. Use wrapping paper to cover the box. (picture 2)
12. Use a sharp scissors to pierce a hole in the center of each circle. Repeat for each circle. (picture 3)
13. Make cuts from the center of the circle to the edge of the large circle. Repeat this so that there are four cuts per large circle. Repeat for each circle. (picture 4)
14. Gently press the cardboard down to create a storage compartment. Repeat for each circle.
Fill with ice cream cone cupcakes and enjoy!