Good ol’ Snail Mail.
I may very well be its #1 fan. The dare I say, old-fashioned way of sending sentiments? No, just the contrary, in my eyes, as I will never tire of sending nor receiving the hand-written note of a loved one.
Naturally, I am also a very big fan of technology and its ever-growing presence in keeping families, friends and communications closer.
But as I find myself immersed in the phase of my kids coloring, painting, & drawing daily, I feel compelled to “share the love”. New mini masterpieces cling to my fridge each day for a reason. They are the work of my little wonders.
And yes, maybe my motivation slightly stems from losing fridge room and losing it fast! But my heart breaks each time I think of “recycling” these unique pieces.
My plan? Combining craft time and coloring in effort to “share the love” and create homemade cards!
I used blank card stock and envelopes for a small decoration & sentiment.
From kisses with mommy’s lipstick to finger paint handprints, the craft is coming together!
I then show them how I address the letters after asking who they would like to send the special artwork to! Kids love mail so if I can make it a weekly event, it’s just one more thing for them to look forward to!