If the holidays were a boxing match, who would win? Thankfulness vs Commercialism. Oh, how the Marketing Machine of Life keeps us spinning. I ran to the box mart store the other day, with the Little’s in tow, giddy with excitement as they anticipated picking out Halloween decorations 40 days in advance.
But as we entered the store, we were met with Christmas trees and snowmen, greeting us on September 20th.
Fall had been pushed back to Aisle 9. It’s over folks. The world makes you feel behind like you’re never enough. I refuse to be bullied by the Marketing Wheel.
We watch holiday commercials of loved ones spending time with grandma, enjoying a Turkey you bought from their store. It makes for a great story, but let’s get real. They don’t care what you do with that Turkey, as long as you buy it.
Commercialism sells you on the warm fuzzy stories of connection and togetherness, but if you’re 40 days early, you might as well be a season late.

It’s over, kaput, and like a bowling ball heading down the lane of life, it will crush everything in its way, to get to the next holiday, to grab your wallet, and have you buying pink hearts on New Years.
The Marketing Wheel instills a sense of urgency. Christmas in July, Gray Thursday, Black Friday, there’s hardly time for rest and relaxation before “high fiving” another holiday, while planning for the next.
Remember the good ole days, when all stores were closed on Sunday. It was a day of rest, to reset your life for the week. A day to celebrate friends and family. Those days are long gone. Monday runs into Sunday, runs into Monday.
By the time your Christmas tree comes down, Easter peeps have popped up.
I read a cartoon the other day. It showed a turkey telling Santa to BACK OFF, “it’s STILL my holiday.”
Christmas photos mailed by December 5th, check! Elf on the shelf duties, decorations, presents; it’s enough to keep your head spinning. Don’t let the “To Do List” steal your show.
Are you running around like a panicked Turkey on Thanksgiving Eve, trying to fit too many tasks into too little time? We’ve all been here. Total mayhem makes mama frazzled and when mama’s not happy, well . . .
Like most moms, all the logistics weigh squarely on our shoulders. We carry an immense amount of power. We’re the hub of communication, the spokes on a wheel. Our family members look to us for guidance, for direction.
Will the holidays be peaceful and fun, full of great memories and tradition or stressful and agitated? Will you be standing in a grocery store line 4 hours before Thanksgiving dinner or the Pumpkin Patch, enjoying moments with your family? You choose.
We can budget wisely and enjoy those meals in moderation or be paying debts and losing those extra pounds in March. Don’t allow the “Marketing Machine of Life” to steal the show. Let’s not make the Turkey and Santa have to dual it out. En guarde! Remember the real reason for the holiday is to reflect on our blessings.
Here’s to living the best version of you.