My mom was 52 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. For someone who never even liked to go to the doctor (who does??), this was a huge life change. Multiple doctors, surgeries, chemo appointments, radiation, in and out of the hospital over 3 years. As much as I would never wish cancer upon a family, I actually have sweet memories of those days. Perhaps because it is those memories which consumed our lives for the last 3 years of my mother’s life. Although the disease can be damning, those days together were a blessing. My father, sister and I were completely concerned with and focused on my mom. Our schedules revolved around her needs. As it would be, my sister and I were both young and single; we didn’t have spouses or children that needed us. One of us was with her all the time if she was in the hospital, at an appointment. We had the privelege to care for her, even her most basic needs, and show our love in such a tangible way. Those days were an honor to me as a daughter as I walked the road of cancer with my mom.
Amidst the tears there was even laughter. The silly moments when my mom would expose her bald head, or the fun my sister and I would have at her expense when she couldn’t walk straight…I would take those difficult days again in a heartbeat if it meant my mother would see her children get married, if she could know her beautiful grandchildren, or celebrate one more anniversary with my father. Those days were blessings but I don’t have the choice to trade them for the blessings she has missed. Still, the ache of her loss is great even after more than 17 years.
Indeed, cancer sucks. Since then, my mother in law is now a 10 year cancer survivor, my father just finished radiation and several friends my age have even dealt with cancer. There are few that can avoid the sting of cancer these days. I pray with the sting you find blessings as well.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Let us be reminded to take precautions against ALL cancers.
I personally like SMiL atThompson Peak Parkway for mammograms. My mother in law brought me for my first one years ago and we celebrated with lunch afterward. Ask a beloved to do the same for you when it is time.