That universal whine of childhood: “I’m bored.” As parents, we’ve all heard it countless times, and have all struggled with how to respond. Handing your kid some kind of screen […]
This post was orignially published in 2016, but as our stay at home order is lifted and businesses start to reopen, here a some local places to help you ease […]
That’s right. My kids aren’t doing anything. Before the school year ended, I talked to a mom who was on her way to pick her son up from t-ball and […]
It’s juuuuusssst about summer time here in AZ. This means hibernating inside watching movies and coloring a million pictures. It means venturing outside into only 1) an air conditioned car […]
No matter where you live, the summer days can start to drag after the first week or two. An easy solution is to create a summer bucket list, so when […]
Sunscreen. The most used AZ summer product and for me the most frustrating one. The bottles end up super greasy and leak all over my bag. They’re also bulky. And […]
New moms get so many product “suggestions” thrown their way. “This is the best carseat!” “Use this and your child will sleep!” “These onesies are double the price, but the […]
Retailers of all sorts seem to be trying to make our mom-life a little easier with new conveniences. Full disclosure, I’m quickly becoming a delivery junkie. Safeway Delivery – They […]
Do you ever feel like you need a second mortgage for your kids to survive the summer at all of the private camps throughout the valley? The most popular ones […]
Summer vacation is almost here and there is no better time to start planning for the endless, hot summer days with the kiddos. Truly, I LOVE my children. I just […]