Is the AZ summer heat making your kids stir crazy?? When my kids first got out of school it was still cool out! What? I wasn’t about to let this amazingly unseasonable weather fool me! I knew that hot 100 degree temps were right around the corner.
My kiddos are the active play type. Don’t get me wrong, they will do an arts and crafts project or some legos here and there- but they are mostly running around, wrestling with each other and attempting death defying gymnastics tricks off the side of the couch as I watch in fear! LOL!
They love the splash pad and swimming but I don’t love the idea of doing outdoor water activities all day every day all summer long. In order to break up long summer days, I have a list on indoor activities we can do that will keep us out of the heat and get my little energizer bunnies’ crazies out. My girls are 6 and 10 but many of these activities can be modified for kids of any age. Without further ado, here’s my list of summer sanity saving indoor energy busters:
Obstacle Course
Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned obstacle course? Use items around the house and create a fun course to run and jump through. My girls like to use pillows, a gymnastics mat, chairs, cones (from the Target dollar section) and many other random things from around the house.
Dance Party
Turn on some tunes and dance like no one’s watching! This is a super fun way to interact with your kids, get some exercise and get their energy out. Switch it up with a game of freeze dance or musical chairs.
Build a Fort
This is a pastime that never seems to get old! There are many different fort-building toys out there but you can also get creative and use household items like chairs, blankets, and pillows. I like to use chip clips to hold up sheets and blankets. I have to say that the Nugget, a neat hybrid couch-toy that we got the kids over the holidays, is an awesome addition to our fort building lineup!
Treasure Hunt
A spin on hide and seek where your kids hide an item and make it into a fun treasure hunt. Make treasure maps or write down clues that will lead them to the treasure. Take it up a notch by dressing up like pirates and hiding pretend pirate gold or costume jewelry.
Pillow Crash
Put down a gymnastics mat or large cushion and place a bunch of pillows or cushions on top of it. Let your children jump/crash into the mountain of pillows (of course you want to make sure that they are being safe and jumping into the middle of the pile). When I worked in a speech clinic with amazing occupational therapists, I learned that this activity is great for providing proprioceptive input.
Yoga is a great way to incorporate mindful movement into your day and help your kiddos (and yourself) get energy out while also calming your mind. There are many great yoga games, cards, books, and videos that focus on kid-friendly yoga. I love the Kid Power Yoga books and Cosmic Kids Yoga YouTube channel.
Animal Relay Races
Have a fun animal relay race and let your kids act like animals! Whether it’s bear crawls, frog hops, or crab walks, this is a fun and silly way to get them moving and have a blast!
What are your favorite indoor energy busters for summer?