If you read blogs by RSS subscription, you’ve probably heard the news that Google Reader is going away for good beginning July 1. Here are three ways to stay connected to your favorite blogs and bloggers (including SMB, of course!).
1. Subscribe by email
One easy way to make sure you never miss a post is to subscribe by email. If you subscribe to Scottsdale Moms Blog this way you’ll get no more than one email each day with any new content published in the past 24 hours. We don’t use your email address for any other purpose and you can unsubscribe at anytime. Oh, and it’s free. 🙂
{Note: we do keep a separate email list of those of you who have asked for updates on our playgroups and events – if you get event-related emails from us but not our daily blog posts, you’ll still need to sign up for the email subscription.}
Want to get Scottsdale Moms Blog posts with local tips and stories from local moms in your inbox daily? Sign up here:
2. Use a different feed reader
Feedly and BlogLovin’ are two alternatives that have emerged as popular favorites. Here’s a post from Simple Mom that walks you through the process of setting up Feedly as your blog reader.
3. Use Facebook {beyond just ‘Like’}
Facebook is a great way to scan what’s going on with your favorite sites and blogs, BUT there’s a trickly little algorithm that decides what posts you see and which ones you don’t. If you want to make sure you see every post from a person or page, add them to an interest list.
Once you’re on Scottsdale Moms Blog’s Facebook page, for example, use the drop-down menu in the righthand corner (underneath our cover photo) to select “Add to interest lists…”. From there you can create categories like “local news”, “favorite mom blogs”, etc. It’s a great way to clean up and organize your Facebook feed as well!
I like Feedly! It’s pretty similar to google reader!
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