At SMB we want to bring you information and inspiration from around the Valley and beyond. Here are some clickworthy links from around the web this week. Enjoy!
My kids are still too little to stay up for fireworks, but my three-year-old is old enough to be curious about what they are and what they look like. Cue YouTube!
I don’t know about you, but this weather makes me want to crank up the A/C and staycation inside all weekend. If you are in town and braving the heat this weekend, here’s a list of kid-friendly events from
This is a fantastic article from Aha! Parenting on setting limits with your kids in a way that is both firm and kind.
We are totally making this this afternoon! Easy home-made ice cream recipe (and a how-to video!) from Family Fun.
Yes, I’m tooting our own SMB horn here, and I’m going to do it TWICE. First of all, did you catch our awesome series on Sticky Situations this week? The topics were spicy and the commentary was awesomely insightful. Click here to see all five posts and stay tuned for another great series later this month! Second, our own Joy and Steph were featured on ABC15 this week as part of Social Media Day! Watch the clip here!
Happy Independence Day!
How do you do your online reading? Random surfing? Facebookand Twitter? RSS or email subscriptions? Be sure to add Scottsdale Moms Blog to your regular reading, however you do it!
Sarah Powers is a writer and Scottsdale mom of two. She came to the valley from Southern California by way of Chicago and would take Arizona summers over Midwest winters any day. A perfect day for Sarah starts with coffee, ends with chardonnay and includes lots of baby giggles and sticky-fingered kid kisses in between. She loves high ponytails, showtunes and using her kids as an excuse to stay in and go to bed early, which she would do anyway. Sarah often tweets and sometimes blogs about the messy, tender, fun, funny and irreverent moments of parenthood.