Eeek April Fools’ Day is just a few days away, so here are a few simple April Fools jokes that you can easily pull on your family.
Fake Bug behind the lamp shade. I just taped a large cutout from construction paper on the inside of their lamp shades. My teenagers thought it was lame, but secretly loved it (I am sure).
Dry Elmer’s glue on a plate. Peel off and use the glue to stage a fake glue spill on their computer or favorite electronic device. Genius!
Make Jello in a clear drinking glass with a straw. Serve your kids “juice” for dinner, it doubles as a prank and dessert. My kids love this one and still ask for it every year. Any flavor Jello works! Hilarious.
Last year’s April Fools’ Day felt like one big joke, so this year I am going to go all out on the fun. Please comment below with your favorite pranks. I need all the ideas I can get.
Oh my goodness – I have to try the glue on my husband – that is awesome!
Last year I saw a great white shark mouth taped under the toilet seat and thought it looked like fun. I hunted for a good photo and found nothing. So I thought, “cockroaches!” Knowing that my kids weren’t afraid but we’re generally startled by them seemed like a good plan. So I taped a paper covered in cockroaches under the toilet seat. My boys just rolled their eyes. My girls startled and then cried for ten minutes straight. This year, we’re planting “donut seeds”.
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