Mirrors are interesting to me.  Necessary? Potentially.  Truthful? Not always (hello funhouse.) Consistent: No Way.  Sure, mirrors don’t exactly talk to us, but they sure do communicate a ton.  Their messages are different too.  Some days they tell us...
It's Archives Week here at SMB, and this morning I'm featuring my favorite post of Noelle's. You can read all her posts here. Often when I head to the park with my children, I'll leave my purse or other such...
It's Archives Week here at SMB, and this morning I'm featuring my favorite post of Tracy's. You can read all her posts here. I choose this post because I have days where I feel guilty for not being “super mom”....
It's Archives Week here at SMB, and this morning I'm featuring my favorite post of Kirsten's. You can read all her posts here. I had a VERY hard time picking my favorite - because there's just so much in Kirsten's...
I have a new obsession in the food department right now: Brussels Sprouts. They are kind of a trendy vegetable in that they are popping up all over restaurant menus and cooking shows and so I thought I would...
Unless you are new to the Sonoran Desert, you are well acquainted with dehydration. As Momma Bears we are super protective of our babies. We give our infants extra breast milk, formula and even water in the summer. We...
What a busy, adventurous, and just plain old fun week I’ve had with my children! Here’s a little of sampling of some of the things we did: I took them to a children’s museum… AND…went without any other friends, meaning...
Definition of multi-task:  the concurrent performance of several jobs by one person; the performance of multiple tasks at one time. If you would like to learn how to be a pro at multitasking, have a baby and go back to...
In anticipation of Mother's Day on Sunday I have been asked some sweet questions by my inquisitive kiddos about what I would like for the holiday created in my honor.  Mostly the requests circle back to what the boys...
I don't know about you but some of the most romantic love stories I have ever heard come from my Grandparents.  My maternal Grandparents were married for 57 years before my Grandmother passed away and my Paternal Grandparents are...
Confession: I haven’t been to Target since February 29th.  I know it’s crazy right?  How could such a thing be true?  Well this is the current truth in our household and before you think that I live remotely in...
Remember this skit from Saturday Night Live in the 90's?  Well that is exactly what therapy IS NOT these days! It still makes me laugh though when I see it; I mean, who couldn't use some positive affirmations every...
This is Part 3 in a series on mom-to-mom friendships by Scottsdale Moms Blog co-founder Joy Cherrick. If you missed them, be sure to check out Part 1 (Think Before You Speak) and Part 2 (Sharing Life). If you've spent...
Calling all Fashionistas  (and even those who want to be but aren't quite sure how to get there), this post is for you!  I'm stepping away from my emotional- uplifting- therapuetic-you're-really-doing-great-at-this-motherhood-thing post to introduce a different side of your...
Our family is in the process of moving and it’s been….well… a process! Since I’m right smack in the middle of this adventure, I thought I’d take a little break and share some of my experiences.  Just in case...
It's time for another Contributor Corner post! If you've missed our previous installments and want to know things like what our lovely ladies keep in their purse or where they grew up, be sure to check out previous Contributor...
“Mama?” my 4 year old vibrantly asked, “what’s that?”  His question came in a rare but appreciated moment without his little brother’s need for attention while we were snuggled together in the glow of after-nap cuddles.  I could sense...
This is Part 2 in a three-part series on Mommy Friendships. To read Joy's first post on thinking before we speak, click here. The most challenging relationships for me have always been friendships with other women. If we aren't in...
Can I be honest with you? I can?  Oh good.  Great, thanks. I have kind of been in a Mom funk lately.  In the midst of day-to-day activities and the monotony of motherhood I just can’t seem to find the...
Joy's post on mom-to-mom friendships could not have been more timely after the week I had. Mommy mantras always include self care. I am horrible at self care. I usually am forced into it by my sweet husband who I...
Joy is launching a three-part series today on the tricky territory of mom-to-mom friendships. Enjoy! I found this little bit of word art pinned to Sarah Powers's Pinterest board the other day and I wanted to stand up and scream...
This weekend we went to the Train Park. Everywhere we looked, birthday parties and their accoutrement - balloons, streamers, piñatas and frosting-smeared table coverings - added a festive feel to an already spectacularly gorgeous February day. I couldn't help...
My youngest turned one last week! This means I can no longer use the excuse “I just had a baby!” to explain those last few pregnancy pounds I’m still trying to loose…well, at least not with a straight face. Like...
This happened as I was vacuuming out my car on Saturday.  I pricked my finger on a small shard of glass I found on the floorboard of my car. Why is there glass on the floorboard of my car,...

Home Alone

Last Friday evening I found myself in a position, which, as a wife and mother, was unexpected and quite foreign to me. I was home...ALONE. My husband was out of town and I was hosting a small surprise party for...
Did you catch the drama sparked by Anderson Cooper's daytime talk show Anderson last week? If you missed it, here's the rundown: Anderson let a panel of moms debate who is happier: stay-at-home moms or those who work outside the home. In...
You don’t need me to tell you that being a parent is tough stuff. From the moment we learn of our child’s conception (quite possibly for years prior to that) we navigate the chlorine-free, all-natural, no added chemicals, Montessori,...
Dear Abby Scottsdale Moms, Recently I've been having a problem, and I need your advice. I'm not sure if it has to do with the fact that the sun doesn't shine until after 7am, or my new Anthropologie comforter makes my bed EXTRA...
“A new year and a new routine. It’s gonna be fine” Well, that’s what I keep telling myself. This year I am moving on and I am closing the door on a relationship that no longer works in my life. But oh!...
Didn't you just LOVE receiving so many family photos in the mail this year? I love seeing the whole family - especially when I only know one spouse really well, or perhaps the children (depending on how I know...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...