Dawn Barcellona
Digital Detox – 30 day screen free challenge
Take a digital detox and take the 30 day screen free challenge !
In order to reset your child’s brain and get started on your ScreenStrong journey, try turning off the screens for 30...
The Screen Strong Solution
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” -Maya Angelou
There was a time when everyone used to smoke it seemed. Even doctors smoked in the halls...
Kids brains and screens
The dopamine dilemma and pruning - Kids brains and screens
We all have been there. “Just one more show, Mom!” “Five more minutes, pleeeeeaase!”
We all have a certain Mom-sense that too much screen time isn’t...
Why my family is Screen Strong
Stop the battles over screens and take back childhood for your kids
Ugh. Not another article about screen time. I know, I know—don’t let my kids spend too much time on screens. It is bad...