Mommy Quick Tips | How to Pack a Family for Vacation
It's inevitable. We're an hour outside the city headed for a great family vacation and the light bulb in my brain dings big and bright. I turn to my husband and exclaim, "I know...
Oops…I forgot. I have Mommy Brain.
Oops...I forgot. That seems to me my mantra lately. I call it mommy brain because I've had it for about 7 years now. I USED to think it was pregnancy brain - then I thought it was...
Getting a Boost | Navigating the Land of Booster Car Seats
As I wrote about on a previous post, the state of AZ has a new booster car seat law that happened to affect my {now} 7-year-old daughter. That left me with the task of...
Expecting the Unexpected: Supporting a Mom with Baby in the NICU
In my last post, I wrote and you lovely readers responded about some things you can expect if the unthinkable happens and your baby needs a visit to the NICU. Today I'd like to...
Expecting the Unexpected: When baby goes to the NICU
I think that it's fairly safe to say that no mom at the start of their pregnancy says to themselves, "I just can't wait until my baby is in the NICU." I had...
Have You Heard?? New Arizona State Car Seat Law Starts August 2nd
I usually consider myself pretty up to speed when it comes to the laws regarding the safety of my kids. I've regularly reviewed the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations (NHTSA) website for recommendations when...
Mommy Quick Tips | 3 Ways To Engage Your Kids When Cleaning
I'm sitting here laughing as I write this because the truth is I'm horrible at cleaning. Seriously, my house is ALWAYS a mess (consider yourself warned in case you ever drop in on me)....
Archives Week! My Favorite Post of Kirsten’s
It's Archives Week here at SMB, and this morning I'm featuring my favorite post of Kirsten's. You can read all her posts here.
I had a VERY hard time picking my favorite - because there's...
Mommy Quick Tips | 5 Favorite Summer Day Activities for Around the House
Whoa - it got HOT. Every summer spring the 100+ degree days seem to sneak up on me. Don't get me wrong, I love the heat. Seriously. But when it's beautiful 70's in the...
Mommy Quick Tips | Favorite Kitchen Gadgets
Cooking. To be honest I have a love/hate relationship with it. Meal planning - boo, fresh homemade delicious meal - yay! Cooking when kids are occupied and playing nicely - yay, cooking when kids...
Mommy Quick Tips | Sleep Deprivation
The other night as my husband and I were brushing our teeth, he looked over at me in the mirror and said "Whoa, look at your eyes!". Now, one might assume that he was...
Mommy Quick Tips | Surviving Well Checks with Multiple Kids in Tow
Taking multiple kids to a well check. I'm pretty sure that this is one of my most disliked mommy must-do's. Really, I try to avoid it like the plague. Usually, I find other places...