Guilty! Yes, I’m guilty. I did it! The day my son turned one, I went ahead and flipped his car-seat to face him forward.
Now, before you judge, I had my reasons for doing this. First of all, I didn’t know the recommendations had changed! (Of course, they have changed and the American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends keeping children rear-facing until they are 2 years old) Also, my son, who is pretty tall, just looked so uncomfortable and crammed-in sitting rear-facing. As far as the car seat itself, it was just bulky and awkward facing backwards.
Of course, once we had crossed that line of letting him face forward, it was almost impossible to cross back! So, there he stayed. However, I promised then that with my next child, I would not make that mistake!
Was I lying to myself? Well, maybe! Afterall, what had I changed? We’d probably have all the same issues with her, right? Well, I just got a new carseat and now I know everything will be different! Introducing the Graco Snug Ride Click Connect 40! The Graco SnugRide Connect 40 is the only rear facing car seat that can safely seat your child from birth to 2 years old (or 4lbs to 40lbs). The brilliance of this car seat is that the base adjusts with 8 different recline positions so there is always enough leg-room for your growing child! (No more squished up toddler legs! WooHoo!)

While you’re still in the “baby stage” the car seat acts just like a regular Graco infant seat, so it’s easy to remove from the base in your car when you’ve got a sleepy baby! Along the same lines, the Snug Ride Connect 40 has a “click connect” feature to allow you to easily connect the carseat to a stroller!
So, if you’re in the market for a new infant carseat, like I recently was, think ahead to your needs for the toddler stage as well and consider the Graco Snugride Connect 40! It will help you to leave your child rear-facing longer while still keeping them comfortable and happy.
Easy for you= Safer for your kiddo! Happy Travels!
Whoa! A bit liberal on the exclamation points! It’s very distracting!
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