HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We asked our contributors what they are most excited about for the year ahead.
Monika: I’m looking forward to a family trip to Disneyland (we haven’t been in years), and now both kids are old enough to ride all the rides together. We won’t have to split up the family!
Marina: We’ll be celebrating my mom’s 70th in Hawaii complete with the chaos that only 7 kids under 12 can cause! Bring on the Mai Tais for Mama. But for real, my goals for 2015 are to eliminate watching True Torie, meditate / pray more (even if that means at a soccer field parking lot), play with people who want to play with me (surround myself with positive people and not negative nellies), and compliment my husband every other day. =)
Angela: I am excited to spend a few weeks next summer at the beach in California.
Rebecca: I‘m excited to join Angela for those weeks at the beach. (Surprise, Angela, hahaha!). But really, I get to host six of my BFFs from all around the country (WA, OH, TN, MN and AZ) later this month. Friends-time rocks!
Sara: We are moving to Denver! Sniff sniff… SMB, if you won’t let me continue editing, can I still write some guest blog posts from afar??
Renée: We are going to be escaping the summer heat for family reunions across the Midwest! It will be the first time my extended family meets my baby, Ryan.
Kristen: I’m excited to write my annual open letter to my readers on January 1! I’m looking forward to settling into being a family with 2 little girls vs just one, while somehow finishing the massive to do list for little things around the house like cleaning out closets and washing the windows. We’re also starting a massive lifestyle change using T25 for hubby and I to lose my second baby weight and his first baby weight! Creatively, I’ll be picking up my guitar and starting to record lullabies for our girls.
Cheers to a beautiful 2015 for all!