City Moms Blog Network and sister sites all over the country are teaming with Food for the Hungry to give back and make a positive impact on our world. If you follow City Moms Blog on social media networks, you would have seen the pictures and snapshots of the trip three CMBN moms took to Guatemala last week to get a first hand look at what Food for the Hungry does and what we can do to help them with their mission. Would you be able to help us and sponsor a child?
The goal of CMBN is to sponsor 300 children. Child sponsorship’s provide improved nutrition, access to clean water to drink, an education, training for parents on how to care for their children, community projects to create a safe environment where children thrive and hope for a better life. For $35/month, sponsors walk alongside of their sponsored child to make a lasting difference.
We would love it if you would join us in changing the lives of these children! To read more about CMBN’s passion behind this project, read this message from founder, Steph, here. If you would like to read more about the trip to Guatemala with Food for the Hungry and the need to provide resources for the children and parents, read the recap post from our CMBN moms here.
Thank you for your consideration and please feel free to spread the word and share with others who may be interested in being a world changer!