Drum roll please…..the winner of the July Scottsdale Moms Blog Photo of the Month is…

…Abbi W and her picture of her sweet as sugar baby boy Judah. How precious is he??!!
Here’s a little bit about Abbi…
Tell us a little about your family.
My husband Jeff and I started our family when we married over 10 years ago. We have three beautiful daughters – Madilyn is 6, Isabelle is 4 and Sophia is 22 months. In July we welcomed our son,Judah, a bitty preemie who spent his first month of life in the NICU. Jeff works as a lead software developer and I am a stay-at-home mom. We have two cats – Chase and Hayli – and a fish named Soskei.
What is your signature dance move?
If you find me on the dance floor, chances are I will be gettin’ down with some move related to outdoor activity. I love a good “sprinkler” and can always manage to “start the lawn mower” and “catch a fish”. BUT I just can’t seem to let go of my carpenter skills and will always “raise the roof”.
If your life became a biography, what would the title be?
Blessed Beyond Measure. It also happens to be the title of our family blog. It doesn’t seem to matter what life throws at me, I know without any doubt that I have been and are truly blessed.
If you were a TV show character, who would you be?
I would love to be Lorelei Gilmore BUT with a healthy marriage. I love her culture, her wit, her style, and her relationship with her daughter.
What is your ring tone/caller tune, and what does it say about you?
I’m technologically disinclined. I believe it’s set on the default ringer still…hmmm…
At the end of the day the most important thing in life is:
God and my relationship with Christ!
Your favorite song in high school was…?
Um, wow. I don’t know if I had a “favorite” but some memorable songs include “Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears and “1999” by Prince.
At Barnes and Noble, what section are we most likely to find you?
The kids section! I love reading books with the kids and dreaming about writing my own some day.
If you were to win the lottery, what would your charity of choice be and why?
OH there’s so many how can anyone choose one?!? Definitely my husband’s ministry – Managed Ministries – which creates affordable software for churches and missions organizations, along with Susan G Koleman, and many ministries of friends and missionaries that are close to us!
What are your favorite kind of sneakers, and why?
I’m a converse kind-of girl. Sparkly converse that is. Give me a good pair and I’ll add some Swarovski bling and make it pretty 🙂
Read more about Abbi on her blog: jabbifam.blogspot.com
Thank you to all who entered! We loved hearing from all of you! Don’t forget to submit your September photo TODAY!
Here’s how to enter…
{1} Email your photo to [email protected]
{2} Subject: {Current Month} SMB Photo of the Month
Entries must be received on or before the last day of each month.