Do YOU want to write for Scottsdale Moms Blog?

We will be adding to our group of regular contributors beginning in February and we’re looking for fresh, local voices to join our team!
This is a volunteer position with some fun perks to make it worth it! Here’s the deal:
What You GIVE
- Two original posts per month on topics of your choice (within the brand and mission of SMB)
- Twelve month commitment, beginning in February 2014
- Available for in-person quarterly contributor meetings
- A passion for moms, kids, and the Metro Phoenix area (where you also live, of course 🙂 )
- Reliable, team-oriented, flexible & fun attitude
What You GET
- Your photo and bio on the Scottsdale Mom’s Blog Meet Our Contributors page (with links to your personal blog and/or Twitter handle if you choose to share them)
- An e-mail address, access to the SMB Contributors Facebook group, and access to SMB internal communications
- Opportunity to test products for review as they come in (to be posted on SMB – and your personal blog, if you choose)
- Access to information and professional development in the areas of writing, blogging, SEO, social media and event management
- Access to pre-sale tickets to Scottsdale Moms Blog events (which often sell out quickly)
- Coffee shop meetings, hugs, new friends, and play dates
What To DO
- Send us links to two blog posts (please send links to specific posts that showcase your best blogging/writing rather than the link to your blog’s home page) OR send two (2) articles you have written to editor@scottsdalemomsblog.
com - Include an explanation of why you’d like to be included on the SMB regular contributors list, and tell us your niche, if you have one: health and fitness, humor, crafts/DIY, working mom perspective, etc.
- Make it all happen by SUNDAY, January 12
What are you waiting for? Let’s blog together!