
Lizette is a 30 year old Arizona native who loves God, life, travel and nature. She is the mother of Vitor, a wildly sweet three year old boy, and a proud angel mama to his baby brother Julian. Since boot-strapping Bloom and Speak with her husband, she has slowly gone from being a work from home mama to a stay at home mama. When she is not looking after her son, she is hiking, doing pilates, blogging at Sweet Julian , chilling with the husband, or painting something. She always enjoys a good iced cup of cafe au lait or her husband's special brew of buttered coffee to help her get through her very busy day. Follow her on [Pinterest] & [Instagram].

5 Reasons to See a Fertility Specialist, Even Without Obvious Fertility Issues

Two years ago we lost our precious second born in the womb. This left me with so many questions and a complete distrust of the current medical system. I went to fetal specialists and...

Fit Mama With or Without a Gym

Early on, our little one decided he wanted nothing to do with the childcare option at our paid neighborhood gym. We tried week after week to get him to like it, only to be...

How I Prep My Preschooler to Stay at the Grandparents

Summer time is here and many of us are wondering what to do with our kids so that they aren't totally bored before the new school year rolls around. Let's be honest, school gives...

You’re Still a Mama On Mother’s Day, even after Baby Loss

Mother's Day is a special day to show love and appreciation for all that motherhood and mothers mean to us. Everyone acknowledges our great contribution to the world and society for bringing life into the...

3 Things I Love About Montessori

A year ago we made the decision to place our child in a local Montessori school and it has been one of the best decisions we've ever made. Our child has blossomed in this...

Best Block toys for Building Fine Motor Skills

Have you noticed all the cool new toys our kids have at their disposal? Long gone are the days where a child had to choose between lincoln logs or legos. Just do a quick...

Tidy Up KonMari Style This Spring

    Last year hubby started reading "The Life Changing Magic of Tying Up" by Marie Kondo. This year we decided to de-clutter our home using the KonMari method described in the book. This is a step by...

The Only Three Items I Need for Our Minimalist Christmas

The Christmas tree pine smell, stockings on the fireplace mantle and the marshmallow hot chocolate on the stove. It's the season of creating a cozy holiday atmosphere in our homes and we all love...

OdySea Aquarium with Kids

I'm so excited to tell you all about our newest child friendly local attraction! We don't have a lot of awesome attractions here in the valley so when something like this turns up, it's...

Dear Loss Mama Who Was Denied Maternity Leave

Written in honor of pregnancy loss and remembrance day this October 15. Almost a month after my sweet baby was born sleeping, I was encouraged to join a baby loss support group. At this session we met...