Lindsay Alvey
Nine Great Kids Parks in Scottsdale
Parks were our saving grace when we first moved to Scottsdale. This post is mostly geared towards fellow newcomers to the area, but maybe some veterans will see a “new to them” park, or...
All About The Dinner Bowls
Dinner Bowls are my jam lately. They might take a little extra work on the front end, but they provide some healthy, well-rounded dinner options, usually WITH leftovers. If you have picky eaters like...
Moving With Kids and Living to Tell About It
If you are anything like me, the thought of moving makes you want to break out in hives. The packing, the unpacking, the living among boxes, not remembering which box you put the toilet...
Produce Shaming
I feel like one doesn't have to search long or far through the internet or among close friends for a story where someone was shamed for a parenting or lifestyle choice. I have a fairly...
The Nap-Time Shopping Scroll
I’m not sure about all of you, but I truly can’t remember the last time I was able to stroll leisurely through a mall and just shop. Window shopping, or actually trying on clothes...
Mifold: A Booster Seat Review
Recently our family traveled cross-country for a wedding in a big city. As all of you know, the planning of travel and logistics with kids is never fun. We were staying downtown and would...
Scottsdale Sports and Activities
With summer just around the corner, I know that many of us are on the hunt for Scottsdale sports and activities for our kids. While some people are searching for all day summer camps, some of...
Camping with Kids in Arizona
Before I dig into this post, I want to give you all a flashback into my life. I was 15 years old and on an overnight camping trip. Food wasn’t cooked properly. There was...
Build a Racecar Party!
Truth be told, I am not a huge fan of planning birthday parties. I know that for some people, this is completely their jam and they are awesome at it! It. is not. my...
As Introverted Parents, Appreciating Our Extroverted Kid
My husband and I always wonder how we came to have such an extroverted son. We consider ourselves introverts through and through. Big parties? No way. Small talk? No thanks. Being the center of...
Sometimes We Say “No”
It seems to have happened overnight. Our calendar became a shared, color-coded rainbow, over scheduled mess. Events, gatherings, sports, extra circulars, meetings, parties, plans... Partner that with a traveling spouse, and it got out...
What I Will Miss About Summer Break
Rewind back to May 2016, and try to remember being on the brink of summer break. If you had struck up a conversation with me at that time, it likely would have centered around...
A Taste of Mom Freedom
According to my bio here at SMB, I have two kiddos. :) My husband and I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old. Our 5 year old is starting kindergarten this school year....
Tips and Tricks for a Successful Family Photo Session
When it comes to family photos, I have been on both sides of the camera. I have been fortunate enough to have people trust me with capturing their moments, and recently, I trusted someone...
Friday Favorites {Lindsay}
Hi Mamas! My name is Lindsay and I have been a desert resident for two years now. As the heat is upon us, I wanted to offer up a summer themed Friday Favorites. All...
An Open Letter to the Mom Who Leaned In
I'm fairly certain that since becoming a contributing blogger here at SMB, that I have not shied away from the fact that my 5 year old is quite the "spirited" child. He definitely marches...
Cupcakes for the Grown Ups {No Sharing Required!}
I am all about some shamrock shaped sugar cookies with green sprinkles to celebrate the Luck O’ The Irish…but in recent years I found a recipe I love. Please note that this treat is for...
Nope. No Way. Not Me. {MORE Not So Savory Mommy Moments}
I currently have a two year old and five year old running around. Life is fun, hectic, dramatic, and filled with more chaos than I knew could exist. The days go by at light...
Are We Done Yet?
Recently my husband and I went out to dinner to celebrate nine years of marriage. As we were sitting at the bar and waiting for our dinner reservation, "that" conversation came up. Rather unexpectedly...
These Are A Few Of My Favorite (Healthy) Things
Happy New Year Everyone! A time for new beginnings, and for many of us, an overwhelming sense of needing to do it all and do it right. Since "health" seems to be a common...
If A Mom Had A Resume
Back when I was fresh out of college, I worked as a recruiter and looked a resumes all day long. I saw some fairly interesting things to say the least. I recently found myself...
I Fought Technology, and Technology Won
A little over a year ago, I came across a blog post via Pinterest (aka The Devil) which talked about being present with your children. It discussed parting ways with technology and NOT being...
Favorite Local Finds on Instagram, Part 2
I'm back with more favorite local finds on Instagram to share. You can visit my first post regarding local vendors on IG here. Take a look below and make use of your follow button...
The Business Traveler’s Wife
My husband travels for his job. He genuinely loves his job, and I love that he loves his job. However, our home life isn’t always like everyone else that has a husband/dad with a...
The F Word
In our house, we do not just have a picky eater. We have a four-year old son who has 4,863,628 things he would rather do than sit down and eat a meal. I should...
Be My Friend Blondies {Sunday Meal Planning Series}
Over the years, I have gotten used to being “the new girl.” When I was younger, my family moved quite a few times. Now that I am older, due to my husband’s job, we...
Quick Tips For Better iPhone Photos
I think that it is a safe assumption that most of us have a iPhone in our hands or nearby during a large portion of our day. It is how we communicate with each...
Helpful Mom Hacks
With summer officially here, who doesn’t need a few mom related life-hacks to make the days a little easier? The kids are home, and the days are longer. No matter whether you work out...
Favorite Local Finds on Instagram
Like many people these days, I find myself spending more time on Instagram rather than Facebook. I like that you actually have to put some thought into a photo, and possibly even a caption...
Nope. No Way. Not Me. {Not-So-Savory Mommy Moments}
A few years back, there was a blog I followed that did “Not Me Mondays.” Bloggers and Mamas linked up to share their not-so-superhero mommy moments. It always gave me a good laugh and...