Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger
Are you interested in becoming a contributor for Scottsdale Moms Blog? If you're local (Phoenix Metro area) and you're a mom (or have awesome and relevant information for local moms), we'd love to hear your ideas! See our Guest Post Submission Guidelines for more information. We love fresh local voices!

Hotel Valley Ho| Sponsored Post

Sponsored post provided by Hotel Valley Ho Hotel Valley Ho has been a Downtown Scottsdale landmark since 1956.  It has been fully restored to the fun style of its heyday, back when silver-screen elites like Natalie...

How to Know If Your Child Is Ready for Overnight Camp

This post is sponsored by Nationwide Insurance. Is Your Child Ready for Overnight Camp? When summertime rolls around, many excited children will be departing for their summer destinations: overnight camps. While the campfires, kayaks and cabins...

Irish Dancing Lessons in Phoenix

Remember Riverdance? The energetic music, the long rows of dancers moving with such precision, the graceful soloists? Admit it, you (like me) danced around trying to figure out the moves in your family room...

(Re)discovering Scottsdale | Returning to My Hometown as a Mom

Hello Scottsdale Moms! I can't believe I am one now too! I grew up here in Scottsdale but craved the city life so I am just moving back here with my husband and two...

Local Businesses to the Rescue: Breast Cancer Resources for Phoenix-Area Patients

This is a guest post by Phoenix mom and breast cancer survivor Barbra Watson-Riley. Read more about Barbra's breast cancer story here. Last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was shocking of course....

“Mommy has breast cancer” | Coming clean with my daughter about my diagnosis

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and everywhere we turn there is Pink! Pink products, pink ribbons, pink drinks, all things pink.  Over the years, I have donated my time and money to help...
DIY painted pumpkin craft

Halloween Craft with Kids | DIY Painted Pumpkins!

I love the idea of having a unique family tradition for each holiday of the year. We have sweet traditions for most of the big holidays, but could never think of a good one...

Dear Andi… Breastfeeding Q & A with Andrea Mansor, LC {Part 5}

We are continuing our series with Board Certified Lactation Consultant (and Scottsdale mom/grandma!) Andrea Mansor, who answers Scottsdale Moms Blog readers’ breastfeeding questions once a month. You can read previous Q & A posts with...

Home Organizing Tips from California Closets

This post is sponsored by California Closets and written by one of their organization experts. For more organizational inspiration, visit their website. Enjoy! When it’s done right, organization can make your home more attractive, dramatically...

Dear Andi… Breastfeeding Q & A with Andrea Mansor, LC {Part 4}

We are continuing our series with Board Certified Lactation Consultant (and Scottsdale mom/grandma!) Andrea Mansor, who answers Scottsdale Moms Blog readers' breastfeeding questions once a month. You can read previous Q & A posts with...

Dear Andi… Breastfeeding Q & A with Andrea Mansor, LC {Part 3}

It’s National Breastfeeding Month, and we are continuing our series with Board Certified Lactation Consultant (and Scottsdale mom/grandma!) Andrea Mansor. If you missed our first two Q & A posts, you can find them here and here. This time...

Dear Andi… Breastfeeding Q & A with Andrea Mansor, LC {Part 2}

It's National Breastfeeding Month, and we are continuing our series with Board Certified Lactation Consultant (and Scottsdale mom/grandma!) Andrea Mansor. If you missed our first Q & A, you can find it here. This time around Andrea...

Dear Andi… Breastfeeding Q & A with Andrea Mansor, LC {Part 1}

It's National Breastfeeding Month as well as World Breastfeeding Week, and we are honored to present a three-part series with Board Certified Lactation Consultant (and Scottsdale mom/grandma!) Andrea Mansor. Andrea is answering breastfeeding questions...

10 Reasons to Encourage Your Baby to Crawl

This post is sponsored by Baby Sensory Development Classes. We partnered with Baby Sensory to bring Scottsdale Moms Blog readers a unique playgroup experience this past July. For more on infant development classes from Baby Sensory, visit their...

Spring Happenings in Scottsdale Recreation

The following is a guest post by Jessica Miller, Assistant Recreation Coordinator for the City of Scottsdale. Take it away, Jessica! I am so excited to be able to share with you something that I...

Babies & Language Development

This post is sponsored by Baby Sensory Development Classes. We partnered with Baby Sensory to bring Scottsdale Moms Blog readers a unique playgroup experience this past July. For more on infant development classes from Baby Sensory, visit their...

The Sensory Baby

This post is sponsored by Baby Sensory Development Classes. We partnered with Baby Sensory to bring Scottsdale Moms Blog readers a unique playgroup experience this past July. For more on infant development classes from...

Ethnic Hair Care Workshop in Scottsdale | Curlyloks

Curly hair, kinky hair, afro hair, curl patterns, plaits, two strand twists, a twistout, cornrows!  It’s all new to me. I was thrilled to start the hair adventure with my daughter from the first day...

DIY Christmas Ornaments (that rock)

The thought of Christmas shopping is driving me more nuts than the sound of Christmas music before Thanksgiving. Really do we need to hear Christmas music for 30+ days?? Now don't get me wrong,...

Baby Diaries (Part II) | 2 Months

We’re back with SMB’s Baby Diaries guest vlogger, Michelle, and her 2 month update! If you missed her 16 week video update, 19 week video update, 22 week video update, 26 weeks video update, 32 week video update, 35 week video update or...

Stay in Date Night | Pan Seared Pork Chops with Bleu Cheese Sage Butter,...

I LOVE everything about fall, and I mean everything! The weather starts to cool down, you can open your windows, light candles, drink cider…the list doesn’t end…but most of all I LOVE Fall food!! ...

The Gift of Down Syndrome

We are honored to bring you this beautiful guest post this morning. It's a look at the life of a child with Down syndrome through the eyes his a mother in observance of October...

(The blessing of) Cancer sucks. Can I get an AMEN??

My mom was 52 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. For someone who never even liked to go to the doctor (who does??), this was a huge life change. Multiple doctors, surgeries, chemo...

The Belly Diaries (Part II) | Baby Brayden is HERE

We’re back with SMB’s Belly Diaries guest vlogger, Michelle, and her __ week update! If you missed her 16 week video update, 19 week video update, 22 week video update, 26 weeks video update, 32 week video update, 35 week video update or...

Ignite Romance for Better Date Nights

As the frantic days, weeks, months and years of family life pass; it’s easy to lose sight of the priority of your husband and your marriage. We become preoccupied by the demands of raising...

The Belly Diaries (Part II) | 40 weeks – My Pregnancy Unplugged

If you missed her 16 week video update, 19 week video update, 22 week video update, 26 weeks video update, 32 week video update or her 35 week video update be sure to go back to view it… they are all...

Sticky Situations | Smoking Around Baby

We moms are all supposed to be on the same team, right? But what about those times when you catch another mom giving you a sideways judgy glance - whether it's because you just let...

The Belly Diaries (Part II) | 35 Weeks – My Pregnancy Unplugged

We’re back with SMB’s Belly Diaries guest vlogger, Michelle, and her 32 week update! If you missed her 16 week video update, 19 week video update, 22 week video update, 26 weeks video update or her 32 week video update be sure...

Happy Mom. Happy Home.

Okay, I’m going to be completely honest here – motherhood has been the most surprisingly demanding role I’ve ever had in my life. While growing up as an only child with a single mom...

Scottsdale Cooking Club | Favorite BBQ Recipe

I am back with another post about food!!! Being 6 months pregnant, our cooking club is about my favorite thing right now. I can’t think of anything I would rather be doing than hanging...