
Never wanted to be a stay-at-home mom! Now with four young kids, she is kept on her toes from dawn to dusk and wouldn't have it any other way. A former project manager in corporate America, she has long since traded in high heels and power suits for flip flops and PINK sweats; but still tactfully applies those hard earned skills managing her chaotic household. When inspiration strikes, her creative outlet results in decorated shoes that will often be seen adorning the feet of family and friends. You can also find her sporadic ramblings on her blog, Blessed Beyond Measure.
A lady in a blue shirt leaning in her pantry

Mommy Quick Tips | Snacks & School Lunches Made Easy

Moms can use all the tips and tricks on how to make to make prepping for snacks and school lunches. I am sharing my tried and true tricks for snacks & school lunches made...

6 Ways to Encourage a Mom of a Special Needs Child

Accepting differences.  Sounds simple, right?  It should be, but too often, I've found it to be one of the hardest aspects of my life as a mom.  Two and a half years ago I...

‘Twas the Day After Christmas {a mom’s morning after tale}

Here's one last post from our Christmas Archives that was so cute we couldn't wait to share it again! 'Twas the Day After Christmas 'Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house; Not a child...

Reasons my Child is Crying

If you've ever had a toddler,  you'll love this.  Because if you've ever had a toddler, you'll know that they cry for any reason and most of them are irrational. They cry when they get...

How to Host a Meal Exchange Playdate

First off let me say, this idea is awesome.  I was able to participate in my first meal exchange playdate last month and it was such a blessing.  The concept is this - you...

Mommy SOS | How do you Budget the Holidays?

    For the last several years we've never had a fixed budget when it comes to Holiday spending.  Sure, we always have an idea on what we are going to spend, but not a fixed,...

THEME WEEK | What’s for Dinner? Meal Planning a Month at a Time

THEME WEEK | What's for Dinner? This week on SMB, we're tackling the question every mom hears at least once a day: "What's for Dinner" Join us all week long as our contributors weigh-in with different ideas...

Swip Swap | The Way To New Garage Sale

There is a definite new trend in the world of Facebook.  One that will capture the attention of any bargain hunting mom.  It comes with the words “Swip Swap” and has taken finding deals...

The End of Oral Tradition | When nursery rhymes go wrong…

I was with some friends the other day and one of the kids was singing the classic nursery favorite "Hush Little Baby".  One of the moms mentioned that their child will only sing the...

The Organized Home | Everything you need to know about organizing kids’ clothes

All week long we're talking about home organization! Today Abbi shares her answer to Joy's question yesterday, about organizing kids' clothes. To catch up on the rest of the series, click here. Read on! If...

Indoor Playdate Recap and Pictures | Chaparral Christian Church

Indoor play at it's finest!  A huge thank you to all the families that came our to our playdate last week at Chaparral Church! We really hope that you enjoyed the playtime, crafts, face painting,...

8 Fun Water Activities for Kids

We are well into July and if you're like me your summer bucket list is just about complete. With another month 3 months of heat remaining, I thought it timely to share some of...

Lego KidsFest | Fun for everyone

This post is written on behalf of Lego KidsFest in exchange for 4 tickets to their Friday evening event.  All content and opinions are my own. Last night we had the opportunity to attend the...

Uncovering Food Allergies

I had a rough transition into motherhood.  Actually, I had a really rough transition into motherhood.  You see, my first born is allergic to milk and I was determined to breastfeed.  But I didn't...

5 Favorite Things for Summer Travel with Kids

If you read my last post then you'll know that summer, in my opinion, is here. Another reason why I think summer is here is because the school year is ending. And that means...

Mommy Quick Tips | 3 Ways to Blackout Your Childs Room

It’s already May, which means that in my book, summer is here.  While some may measure this by the temperature outside or by the last day of school, I measure summer by what time...

Mom-O-Rama | Celebrate Yourself at Whole Foods

Whole Foods Scottsdale treated members of the SMB team to lunch this week and is generously sponsoring this post. Read on for information about how you can get pampered at Whole Foods this week! In...

Engaging Kids in Healthy Activities and Eating | An Interview with Kerri Strug

I had the opportunity last week to attend the HERSHEY'S Family Play Day in Peoria.  While this was my first time ever hearing of this event, HERSHEY'S was celebrating their 36th year of engaging...

Favorite Pinterest Recipes | My Obligatory Pinterest Post

I recently read a blog post about a person's favorite Pinterest fails.  You know, those things you pin and try that totally don't come out like anything closely resembling the original.  While this blog...

Don’t DIY | How To {not} Do It All

It's easy to say, that on any given day I can create a Facebook status of the things I've accomplished that will leave someone picking their jaw up off the floor.  They will think...

A Thrifty Mom | Bi-Annual Consignment “Pop-Up” Sales

It's getting warm outside.  Thanks to Mother Nature we got a little teaser a couple weeks ago to remind us that summer is just around the corner.  For me, that means it's time to...

Favorite Kid Apps | Age 8 and under

"There's an app for that." -Apple Inc.  It's true, you know.  Whenever I've wanted to do, find, research, shop, see, organize or track anything in my life, there's a app for it.  Be it...

Dollar Store Candy Jar

Tomorrow (in case you forgot) is Valentines Day.  I have a love-hate relationship with this day.  While I hate the idea that Hallmark and society have orchestrated a day to celebrate love, I love...

Moms Don’t Get Sick Days

It's rampant right now. It seems that the Valley's lovely winter cold front brought some mighty germs with it. Every third facebook post and half my twitter feed are friends posting about...

Get that Louse Outta My House | 6 Steps To Get Rid of Lice

This is very much a post that I never thought I would write.  My girls are 7, 5 and 3 and we have never had lice.  Every time I would hear of friends dealing...

Angel Tree | Being Intentional with Kids about Holiday Giving

I was going to start this post of with, "I love the Holidays!" but then I thought - well, who doesn't love the Holidays?!?  Some of the things I love most about the Holiday...

A day in the life of a mom

Bzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz. It's 6:00 am, time to get up. No, snooze. I can sleep another 9 minutes. By 6:27 I can finally peel my eyelids open and I wander into the bathroom in an...

A Month of Thanks | Engaging the family in a daily time of thanks

I love that November has turned into a "month of thanks" on Facebook.  I have many friends who are participating in posting a status each day of what they are thankful for and I...

What Do You Do for Halloween? | A 2012 look at the Different Ways...

When I was a kid, it was my favorite most talked about, anticipated part of October - Halloween.  It was such a fun time to get together with friends, carve pumpkins, and "trick or...

Five Favorite Arizona Farms to Bring in Fall

Did you know it was October? I know, right? That was fast. I swear we were just in the middle of summer fun and back to school. Despite what the thermometer says outside, it is...