I was 16 and a junior in high school. I was in the middle of performing in a school production for a play when my Mom asked me if I wanted to stay in a hotel for the night. I said of course! Who would pass up the chance to stay at a hotel? I grabbed a few essential items, a doll to use as a prop for my school play and that was it. I left my bedroom and walked out the door without a clue that I would never return to my childhood house.

You hear of traumas happening that requires one to leave a home and never return. Fires, divorce, natural disasters…the list goes on. You rarely hear about a fluke house issue that sets off a snowball effect of bad luck that removes you from a place you called home and filled with belongings and memories of a childhood you cherished. However, my story is the reason why you have home insurance. It’s the reason why a new technology like Branch Insurance carries such important value and is such an essential part of selecting the right coverage.
The “we have insurance just in case” scenario saved my family. It was a simple issue and one that should have been done in a day. Unfortunately, from there a turn of bad luck ensued. The exact house details will bore you, but because of the turn of events, we never returned to the house. In the blink of an eye, I said goodbye to my childhood bedroom, my playroom filled with a “library” of my most favorite books filled with dates and number of times they had been read. I said goodbye to my clothes, my shoes, my childhood toys, my most prized possessions.
I lived in a hotel for 1.5 years and it took nearly a decade to restore the home we left. My story is the “let’s hope it never happens, but if it does, we better have good home owner’s insurance.” My story is one you tell your 20-something child to remind them that when they purchase their first home, the first thing they must purchase with it is home owner’s insurance. My story is the fable of the family who lost everything, but didn’t lose hope because they have faith, tenacity and home owner’s insurance, insurance that Branch Insurance introduces to you without the hassle.

The world is so busy now. People are too busy to do the due diligence needed to select the right coverage. Luckily, being too busy to research doesn’t carry such a high risk anymore because of Branch Insurance technology. We now live in a world where technology helps us with our decisions and does the research for us. This is true for the newest technology for insurance called Branch Insurance. Branch was built on the core belief that insurance has lost its way. They are the helping hand for insurance and they work specifically with Arizona residents to create a concierge experience without the cost. Homeowners and car owners can get a price for a bundle policy simply by filling in their name and address. Branch’s state of the art technology takes only seconds to deliver you an affordable price for your home + auto insurance. It leaves out the excuse that figuring out insurance and signing up for insurance is too difficult. With Branch, it only takes seconds.
If Branch insurance was around when the unthinkable happened to us, we wouldn’t have had to worry and hope for the best when filing the claims. We would have already known that we had the best. Whether you are a new or long-time home and car owner, using the technology from ourbranch.com will show you options for more affordable coverage or show you that you
have the right coverage. I hope the day never comes when you need insurance, but if it does, I want you to have the right insurance!