Want to lead, love, and launch your kids? Yes, please. In 2014, Keith and Amy Carney, set out on an epic journey to parent on purpose. With a set of triplet boys and a daughter not far behind, life was running on all four cylinders, as they juggled teen schedules, sports activities, allowing popular culture to dictate their family narrative. Togetherness had dwindled to cheering on kids from different sidelines, as they found themselves in a ‘divide and conquer’ mentality. In an effort to create life’s slow down button, they made a life altering decision that changed the trajectory of their family dynamics. They bought a motor home, pulled the kids out of school and for 7 months traveled across America. In this 110 page, easy read, she shares tips, tricks and the importance of creating a family mission statement. The book discusses three main parts: how to strengthen family identity, build family culture, and prepare children for adulthood.
She reminds us to raise our children with the end in mind.
Amy connects with the audience as she pinpoints what many of us parents are experiencing. We all hope to create productive citizens, with hope being the key word. What we forget is, creating connected families, and launching children to adulthood, does not come by happenstance. As a business owner, this hit home. Creating a mission statement for my company, with specific, measurable goals is top priority and yet, I’m raising my children, in hopes that they will launch into adulthood, with strong family values, connections and culture, without a solid plan of how they’ll arrive. She compares us as parents, to that of a screen writer, who writes the story with the end in mind. The narrative keeps us on track, creating scenes that lead to optimal endings.
Amy reminds us the importance of play time, disconnecting, developing life skills, raising grounded kids and redefining success. She gives us permission to allow our children to fail and to not be the helicopter parent who rescues them at every turn. There’s strength in the struggle. If we rush to catch them, we’re missing teachable moments. We want to raise kids to be problem solvers, self advocates, money managers, team players. Kids who know how to serve and lead.
The book concludes, prompting us to leave a legacy, that life is neither a sprint or a destination, but rather a steady marathon and a journey. Live as though every moment counts. Print the pictures, write the story, leave the legacy and Parent on Purpose. If you’re looking for a book to give you step by step instructions on how to lead, love, and launch kids, this book is a home run. Order your book through
amazon.com, today.

About the Author:
A former journalist, Amy Carney began writing about intentional parenting after she and her retired-NHL playing husband pulled their tween triplet sons and daughter out of middle school and toured the United States in an RV for 7 months, to reclaim and reconnect their family story. Parent on Purpose shares what she learned on that epic family adventure, and the importance of raising children with the end in mind.