Oh, those first few weeks of bringing a new baby home from the hospital are glorious {and messy, and sleepless, and crazy}. There is nothing that beats the new baby smell, the little grunts they make as they sleep, and just how squishy they are. The other amazing thing about bringing a new baby home is the outpouring of love you get from friends and family. Meals, visits, gifts, it’s all such a blessing!
I have been seeing different lists floating throughout the internet with tips on what to do/bring to new moms and babies, and I thought I would compile my own top 5 things of what I plan to do for new moms from now on:
1: When bringing dinner, only come at your scheduled time— not early, not late.
2: Make sure you are not sick, and wash your hands the second you arrive.
3: Bring the dinner {or lunch, snack, whatever it is that you signed up to bring} in disposable dishes. There is nothing worse than not only having more dishes to do, but also having to remember to whom each dish belongs.
4: Don’t stay longer than 15 minutes, that is unless the parents ask you to. They are in the midst of craziness, and unless they ask you to stick around and hold the baby/chat, it might be best to leave them with the food and let them rest.
5: Now here’s something I haven’t done before, but will do from now on- clean up while there. Bring a little baggy with cleaning supplies and clean the bathroom sink and take out the trash. Better yet, if you see dishes in the sink, do those as well. All in all, leave the house cleaner than when you walked in…and do it fast:)
Yes, any and all things that people do for you after having a baby are amazing, but if you follow these five tips- you will be going above and beyond loving on that new little family!
So tell me, do you have any other tips that help a new mama out? Something that someone has done for you, or you have done for them?
I love your tips of advice! I agree that when it comes to a new baby things around the home can be a little chaotic, which is why it’s best to follow the above mentioned tips. In my opinion, it helps to make the process and time run smoothly for both the visitor and new parents. Thanks for sharing!
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