The school year is officially over. Congratulations!
You made it. They made it. All parties survived. Lessons learned.
Looking back, why did the first day of preschool bring so many tears? You knew you made the right choice. After all, they learned their letters and can now count to 15. Your house is newly decorated with all the preschool craft artwork. Your children can serenade you with Wheels on the Bus like Genevieve. They made friends and so did you (which was a huge bonus!). Oh, and high-five, they are now POTTY-TRAINED!
Well, those are BIG accomplishments, but here are other lessons your child REALLY learned at preschool this past year:
- It’s way more fun to participate. Sitting and watching all the other kids sing, dance, or even bowl with toilet paper rolls isn’t better than actually doing it.
- There is more than one meaning to the word tree, butterfly, Superman and airplane. I can do yoga like Mommy, too.
- Bubbles always make me happy and playing with them never gets old. I might actually pop them all at one-time some day.
- Only go DOWN the slide. It is the rule.
- Dirt and water mix but not on myself or my friend. Wet and sandy clothes, socks,
and shoes require a rather uncomfortable, wide-leg, stance with a slow-walking motion. Plus, I get so cold inside the classroom. I better keep them in the bucket.
- Accidents happen. We all make mistakes. Mistakes are part of learning. I am learning to be a good friend, to say sorry and to forgive.
- Cleaning up is easier when everyone helps and sings a song while doing it.
- Teachers mean business. I better use the potty, pick-up, and wash my hands when asked. (Luckily, Mommy and Daddy let me get away with these! Hehehe!)
- The blue car on the playground belongs to everyone and isn’t just mine. Sometimes I need to be a friend by waiting my turn and sharing with others.
- When it is my turn to bring snack, not everyone is going to be as excited as me about what Mommy signed up to bring. They might not love it and eat it. But hey, “It’s all good!” (Pete the Cat taught me that!) I can eat their untouched share, too.
- I can take care of others, especially the class pet (stuffy). When he gets to come home with me for the weekend, it requires responsi…. a lot of work, but it is worth it. He’s my best bud!
- I can trace my friend’s foot, arm, or leg with sidewalk chalk. When she gets up, it stays. I can see her whole body. So cool! I am an artist.
- I am able to be cared for and loved on by others that aren’t my Mommy, Daddy, Auntie, Uncle, Grammy, or Papa. (But, I still do miss my parents at the end of school!)
- School is fun…When can I go back?
This past year I got to serve as a 3 year-old’s preschool teacher’s aide. The kids’ love, fun, hugs, smiles, laughter and curiosity is a true joy to witness.