Thank You Thursday {October Edition}
Thank You Thursday is a {sometimes} monthly Scottsdale Moms series. Our team is so LUCKY to receive products, try new local venues, and hear about new things to do all the time. Our job is so much fun! But we want to share all of these fun new finds with all of you, plus give a huge THANK YOU to companies that reach out to us.
Hope you enjoy reading about our new finds!
Bags to hold all the things {even snacks} plus doing good things for the world
These adorable bags are perfect to hold all.the.things. Of course they can keep you organized with the little things floating around and getting lost in your bag, but they are also great for snacks. They are easily washable and they will save you on all those one-time use plastic baggies. Also these bags are available in the cutest prints and patterns. Check out their website on how you can get all the sizes for your organization and snacking needs. Plus they have socks, dog collars, crossbody bags, and more.
Thank you to Sokwe for sending us a whole box of bags to try. We love them and we love supporting a company that is not only women owned and operated but 10% of their profits go back to chimpanzee conservation.
Grocery Cart Organization {Introducing The Lotus Trolley Bag}
The Lotus Trolley Bag grocery cart organization system is the perfect invention for all our grocery shopping needs. The system works to divide your cart into multiple sections and then can be used to load your groceries into your car and easily put away at home. I love that we don’t need grocery bags anymore and I love that the groceries can be organized into each section to be put away at home with so much less hassle. {Check out the video on their website to see how they work, it is genius!}
Thank you to The Lotus Trolley Bag Team for sending us one of the cart systems to try on our shopping trips. You can pick up your own cart system at Fry’s Marketplace (we saw them available to purchase at the front of the store) or online on Amazon here.
Thanks again to all the businesses for reaching out to Scottsdale Moms.
Keep an eye out for future Thank you Thursday articles, we have new products and reviews coming in all the time!
If you would like to send us products to try or have another idea that should be included in our monthly Thank You Thursday articles, find out more information here.