Choosing the right Car Seat



Confused about which car seat to buy? I know I was! Just taking a walk through the car seat and stroller aisle at Buy, Buy Baby or BRU made (and still makes!) my head spin.  There are just so many options.

To make it just a little easier, here are a few things to consider when choosing your next car seat…

1. Read Consumer Reports for in-depth comparisons of various seats in each category.  We have a little joke in our house that almost everything we buy gets filtered through the Consumer Reports search team (hubby). Really.

2. Read the parent comments on various websites. BabyCenter and The Bump are good places to start. You’ll find great insight from real momma’s about what works (easy to install, comfy armrests) and what doesn’t (hard to adjust, poor padding).

3. Test the seat before you purchase one. Not every car safety seat can be installed in all types of vehicles or seating positions. And if you’re buying a non-infant car seat, just bring your little one with you and stick them in it. Practice buckling and unbuckling. Make sure it’s easy for YOU to use.

4. After choosing your car seat, be sure to get a safety inspection from your local police and fire department. Scottsdale Police and Fire Department provide seat inspections monthly by appointment. Click HERE for more info.


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