Adoption: One word, many different types of adoption


*Originally written in 2014. Reposted in 2024 in honor of National Adoption Month*

Adoption seems to have taken the blogging world by storm.

Many adoptive families share their journeys and their stories through blogs and other online forums. It is so exciting to see adoptive families find encouragement, resources, and connections that simply were not available to families before.

As my husband and I tiptoe through the world of open domestic designated adoption, the more I learn that every situation is unique. Before we started this process, adoption was one word to me. It was a lump sum of children that found their family a different way.

And now, as I listen to other adoptive moms, every story is as special as every child.

I found that there are many types of adoption.

In the United States alone there are foster-to-adopt, children living in foster care, infant adoption, and independent adoption. You add another layer when you discuss closed and open adoption. The list goes on and on…

When you discuss international adoption, it is almost like speaking in another language. Adoptive parents of international adoption discuss which countries have closed their adoption programs, passport issues, and travel arrangements. They discuss language barriers and foods that I’ve never heard of.

But what I’ve found is amazing support from other adoptive parents, no matter what the flavor! They may not have been through your exact situation, but they can find someone who can help.

If you are considering adoption, but are not sure where to start, here are a few resources to help:


Have you adopted? Would you consider leaving a little of your story in the comments? When we share our story, we give each other bravery and hope. Thank you for cheering each other on!


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