Thank You Thursday {November Edition}
Thank You Thursday is a {sometimes} monthly Scottsdale Moms series. Our team is so LUCKY to receive products, try new local venues, and hear about new things to do all the time. Our job is so much fun! But we want to share all of these fun new finds with all of you, plus give a huge THANK YOU to companies that reach out to us.
Hope you enjoy reading about our new finds!
Kid Friendly Craft Kits that come to you
These craft kits from Gettin’ Crafty Scottsdale are the perfect way to keep all those kiddos at home busy. You choose the craft project and Gettin’ Crafty delivers all of the supplies straight to your door. You don’t have to leave the home and you get all of the fun brought to you.
We had so much decorating our Halloween crafts. Everything was packaged adorably. With all of the kids at home and the holiday breaks coming quickly, a surprise drop-off from Gettin’ Crafty would be a great way to add some creativity to the family.
Thank you to Gettin’ Crafty Scottsdale for providing us these fun craft kits to try with our family.
Thanks again to all the businesses for reaching out to Scottsdale Moms.
Keep an eye out for future Thank you Thursday articles, we have new products and reviews coming in all the time!
If you would like to send us products to try or have another idea that should be included in our monthly Thank You Thursday articles, find out more information here.