Summer Ideas for The Whole Family


Summer is here, bringing with it longer days, warmer weather, and endless opportunities for family fun. Whether you’re planning staycations, outdoor adventures, or simple moments of relaxation, here are some summer ideas to inspire moms to make the most of this vibrant season with some fun summer ideas perfect for the whole family.

1. Backyard Camping Adventure:

Transform your backyard into a campground and enjoy a night under the stars with your family. Pitch a tent, set up sleeping bags, and indulge in classic campfire treats like s’mores and hot dogs. Share stories, play games, and embrace the magic of sleeping outdoors together.

2. Splash-tastic Water Fun:

Beat the heat by organizing water-themed activities for your kids. Set up a backyard water park with sprinklers, inflatable pools, and water slides. Plan a day trip to a local beach, lake, or water park for even more aquatic adventures. Don’t forget sunscreen and plenty of hydration!

3. Explore Local Parks and Trails:

Discover the beauty of nature by exploring nearby parks and hiking trails with your family. Pack a picnic lunch, lace up your hiking shoes, and embark on a scenic adventure. Look for trails with kid-friendly features like nature scavenger hunts or easy-to-spot wildlife.

4. Create DIY Outdoor Art Projects:

Unleash your creativity with DIY outdoor art projects that engage your kids’ imaginations. Set up an outdoor painting station with canvases and watercolor paints, or gather natural materials like rocks and leaves for nature-inspired crafts. Let your kids’ artistic talents shine while enjoying the fresh air.

5. Farmers’ Market Excursions:

Visit local farmers’ markets to discover fresh seasonal produce, artisanal goods, and handmade crafts. Involve your kids in selecting ingredients for a farm-to-table cooking experience at home. Farmers’ markets often feature live music and entertainment, making it a lively outing for the whole family.

6. Picnics in the Park:

Pack a picnic basket with delicious sandwiches, salads, and refreshing drinks, and head to your favorite local park for a leisurely picnic. Spread out a blanket, enjoy the scenery, and let your kids run free in the open space. Picnics provide a relaxing way to enjoy quality time together outdoors.

7. Outdoor Movie Nights:

Host an outdoor movie night in your backyard or community park. Set up a projector and screen, arrange cozy seating with blankets and pillows, and queue up family-friendly movies under the starlit sky. Don’t forget popcorn and movie snacks for a cinematic experience under the stars.

8. Gardening and Planting Adventures:

Get your hands dirty and cultivate a garden together with your kids. Plant colorful flowers, aromatic herbs, or even vegetables that your family can harvest and enjoy later in the season. Gardening teaches valuable lessons about responsibility, patience, and the beauty of nurturing living things.

9. Cool Down with DIY Frozen Treats:

Beat the summer heat with homemade frozen treats that are fun to make and delicious to eat. Create fruity popsicles using fresh fruits and juices, whip up creamy ice cream with your kids’ favorite flavors, or blend refreshing smoothies packed with nutrients and natural sweetness.

10. Family Game Nights:

Host family game nights filled with laughter and friendly competition. Set up outdoor games like bean bag toss, lawn bowling, or frisbee golf for active playtime. Alternatively, gather indoors for board games, card games, or puzzles that encourage teamwork and bonding.

Summer is a season of adventure, exploration, and unforgettable moments with your family. Make sure keep hydrated and wear your SPF as Arizona gets HOT!

What are your favorite summer ideas for the family?  Share your tips and experiences in the comments below or on Instagram @scottsdalemoms 


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