Who would have thought that we would be wearing masks, socially distancing and our
kids’ classroom would be at home learning online? We can be proud of our children for
hanging in there and experiencing a new form of learning while we figure out virtual
meeting technology and when this virus will be tamed.
Learning online is very different from being in a classroom. Children know the rules on how to act in the classroom but what is the protocol for online classes? Here are a few suggestions that may make teachers and students get through the virtual classroom
with a thumbs up.
- Prepare One Hour Before Class – Get ready for class by dressing appropriately.
Test your device for sound, position your camera, make sure you have enough
light and do not use the virtual background, as it is distracting to other students.
Use the restroom, have pen and paper for writing notes, bring a glass of water
and no food at your workspace. Most important, please shut off your phone. - Rules During Online Class – Be on time to class, mute your mic and turn your video on. Sit up in your chair, look in the camera and be an active listener. Try not to distract your classmates with large body movements. Mute your mic and unmute when you are asking or answering a question. When you have a question, physically raise your hand or type your question in chat. Ask questions in chat if your question is relevant to what is being discussed currently. When you are finished with class, say “Good Bye” to everyone and end your meeting.

There will be a learning curve for everyone as we adjust to the new norm. Nobody is perfect and there will be some mistakes. However, if you do have a mishap – just apologize. Apologizing shows respect to your classmates and your teacher, and shows everyone that you are aware of the problem and not oblivious.
With these guidelines, students will be prepared to continue learning online and
practice their social manners. There is no doubt, these are trying times. So, set the
tone for your kids by being positive and sympathetic to their feelings and needs.
SueAnn Brown is the founder of It’s All About Etiquette and a consultant and leader in etiquette training services nationally. Mrs. Brown’s vision for ”It’s All About Etiquette” is to professionally enhance individuals, groups, and organizations by providing her students with proven continental and international etiquette training and techniques.