Friday Favorites {Kate}


Friday favorites 2Hi everyone! This collection of my Friday favorites comes from items that my 16 year old daughter has introduced me to the past few years. I love it when she shares something she loves with me and these are things that I now really enjoy.Untitled design (1)

  1.  BB Cream – I love this! It gives me light coverage and sunscreen. Perfect for those morning you are in a hurry!
  2. Peter Hollens – There is this entire world of YouTube artists that I would have never known about! Peter Hollens is an a cappella artist that does many of my favorite songs – past and present! I love listening to the kids sing his harmonies. So many times, I hear him do a song that introduces me to a completely new artist. He layers his voice with the most beautiful, intricate harmonies.
  3. Chick-fil-A – Our family has always loved it, but now my daughter works there, so I am there several times a week. I’ve fallen in love with their vanilla iced coffee. It’s safe to say, I’m a little addicted!
  4. H&M – I thought this store was only for her age, but I found my absolute favorite maternity clothes there. At Scottsdale Quarter, they have an entire section of maternity clothes upstairs. I needed a beautiful shirt for Brian’s work dinner, and I found the perfect black blouse. It is completely affordable, so it was fun to get a new shirt for a special occasion.
  5. Maybelline Baby Skin Instant Cheek Flush – This is great when you just need a little color. It is easy to carry in your purse and you don’t need a brush. (Lifesaver!)
  6. Forever 21 – Again, I thought this store was only for my daughter. She insisted I come in and try on this shirt she found, and now we regularly shop there together.

I never would have tried these things without her introducing me to them! What are your latest favorites?!