I’ve recently been interested in knowing more about different essential oils and how you can use them daily. I knew a little about oils in skincare and hair products, but I had no idea there are certain ones you can use for cooking, topically, and holistically. I’m big on Instagram and searching out pages that promote healthy products, wellness, natural skincare and makeup. I have always gone natural since having an autoimmune disease, and I owe my new interest for oils to my friend, Tasha Sievert. Her blog and Instagram page are great resources!
Disclaimer: This post is my experience with oils and is for informational purposes only and is not a replacement for assessment and/or treatment from your doctor.

My journey began, when the flu virus ran rapid here over the winter, I was paranoid trying to protect my family and toddler from getting sick. I was going through bottles of Purel, like I’m sure the rest of the county was, but I thought….how healthy can this stuff really be?? Then Tasha, posted about the Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier and Spray, made with peppermint and other oils. I was sold! I had no idea about oils or Thieves until I started following her page and she really opened my eyes to an array of other natural products.
My next venture was trying to find a natural remedy/oil for calm, sleep, soothing and de-stressing to diffuse for our 15 month old since we were sleep training her. I went straight to Tasha and she was so sweet to go out of her way to drop off a little gift-bag of different samples of oils to try. After our daughter was born I really struggled with stress, tension, and emotional overload while figuring out how to handle this beautiful journey called motherhood. My husband and I were both hanging on by a thread from so many sleepless nights. Fast forward a year and our now toddler, who became a picky eater and non-sleeper, nudged me to the point where I was willing to try anything that could help. Thus, started my journey with diffusing oils. So far I LOVE it! There are so many oils you can combine aromatically, topically, for beauty, skin, and cleaning purposes.
I am far from an expert on oils, so I decided to catch up with Tasha and ask her some questions about her passion and experience with different types:
– When did you become interested in Essential Oils?
The studio where I took yoga classes started offering an essential oil yoga class which incorporated different oils throughout the class. I loved the experience, and every time I went I learned about a new oil and what it was good for. It was addicting and I truly felt the difference in my body and mind after being exposed to the oils topically and aromatically just during class.
– What are some ways that you use the oils in your daily life? I use oils to help with emotions and to support healthy sleep, to boost me and my family’s immune systems, to purify the air naturally, for energy and to help me focus, to ease sore muscles, even to cook and clean in my home! I have had a blast discovering new benefits to the oils I currently have on hand. I’ve even incorporated them into my daily skincare and beauty routine!
– What are some of your favorite oils and products? That’s a tough one. It’s hard to choose since there are so many great ones. Product would be hands down Thieves cleaner concentrate. Thieves Household Cleaner concentrate is an all-purpose, versatile formula with 100 percent plant and mineral-based ingredients, so you can confidently use the same product for cleaning your kitchen counters and scrubbing your floors! Thieves Household Cleaner actually supports healthy immune system function and is safe for pets and children. Favorite oil would be Lavender because it’s one of my favorite scents, plus it’s great for beauty DIYs and skin.
– What is your advice for someone like me, who is just getting started with the products? Take things slow and have fun with the oils! It can be easy to just get overwhelmed since they are new and unfamiliar. Starting off diffusing is a great way to ease into using essential oils and get familiar with the scents. It’s fun to try different combos and discover your favorites. You will be very surprised all of the ways you can use them and replace other products in your home using an oil alone or with an oil DIY recipe. One FREE resource to take advantage of with essential oils is Pinterest!
– Among the oils, what is one that has multiple uses and what are they? One of the most versatile in my opinion would be lemon. You can put a drop in your water to add some flavor (use stainless steel or glass to prevent toxins) and support natural detox in the body. You can use a drop to remove gum, sticker residue, grease, or even crayon marks from most surfaces. You can substitute lemon essential oil in place of lemon seasonings or lemon juice in recipes like lemon bars or marinades. You can combine it with lavender and peppermint in the diffuser for seasonal allergy support etc..
So there you have it! When I’ve had a stressful day, needing a pick me up, or relaxing with my family after a long day, there’s always an oil up for the challenge!
Jessica Joas is a native of Detroit, Michigan where she received a Bachelors in Journalism and Broadcasting from Wayne State University. She moved to Scottsdale 8 years ago to pursue a career in marketing and to escape the cold Michigan winters. She married her soulmate,Tony, in 2015 and left her career as a Marketing Director to become a mom. As parents of two angel babies, they were beyond blessed to welcome their 1 year old rainbow, Sedona, in February 2017. She loves spending time with her beautiful family, Fall in the desert , Bravo,being a mommy blogger, her Starbucks and chasing after Sedona.