Free kids’ vaccines TODAY
Just came across this great opportunity in the AZ Republic...
A free immunization clinic for children 6 weeks to 18 years old will be given today at Paradise Valley Hospital location of Baby Shots, 3929...
MomSense: Encouragement for Parents of Special Needs Children
mom·sen·se (mɒm sens) noun 1. practical motherly intelligence that is sensible or reasonable 2. a mother’s mental discernment, realization, or recognition – She has momsense. OR She used her momsense to determine that something was amiss.
What if, you weren't able...
Rejoicing in your Spirited Child
Spirited Child - high energy, feisty and very active. They are ready to climb into almost any situation, and exercise little impulse, control or caution when they do. They are highly reactive. They are...
Friday Date Night – Sweet Republic
I knew the first time I walked through the doors of Sweet Republic that I was in for a real treat. And obviously Bon Appetit thought the same thing as they voted this little...
Friday Date Night : The Herb Box
Ladies... take note....this could very well be one of my top five valley eateries!!! Seriously...
Since opening in 2001, The Herb Box (two locations: DC Ranch and Agua Caliente) is a bit of a local...
Thurs Date Night – Sola Coffee Bar
Free on Thursday's for a date night outing rather than a weekend night? No problem! Call a sitter, put on a little perfume and kiss the kiddo's goodnight - all mamma's deserve a night out...
Friday Date Night – Caffe Boa Tempe
Winner of Phoenix Magazine's Best Restaurant Bars Award 2010 and holding an Award of Excellence from Wine Spectator, Caffe Boa obviously has a great reputation.
Although Caffe Boa has a Mill Avenue address, it's entrance...
Friday Date Night – Postino’s Wine Cafe
Before kids I thought surely, date nights will be a HUGE priority. I'd heard it suggested by so many other veteran moms to get out with your hubby. Sounds great - I thought - we'll do it!