Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger
Are you interested in becoming a contributor for Scottsdale Moms Blog? If you're local (Phoenix Metro area) and you're a mom (or have awesome and relevant information for local moms), we'd love to hear your ideas! See our Guest Post Submission Guidelines for more information. We love fresh local voices!

How to Keep Your Face from Sliding off

It's archives week here at SMB.  Here's one from our early days: ***** We all know that its hot; its Summer in Arizona for crying out loud!  I feel like the Queen of Redundancy every time...

The Belly Diaries (Part II) | 32 Weeks | My Pregnancy Unplugged

We’re back with SMB’s Belly Diaries guest vlogger, Michelle, and her 32 week update! If you missed her 16 week video update, 19 week video update, 22 week video update or her 26 weeks video update be sure to...

Getting Out of Arizona…Kauai.

This summer my husband and I were given a gift.  We were able to spend 6 days on Kauai–alone.  Travel can be a luxury at any time, but when we get to go someplace...

Baby Talk 101 | Baby Sensory in Scottsdale

If you didn't get a chance to check out the Baby Sensory Class this past Wednesday, we have a special treat!  Here's Dr. Lin Day of Baby Sensory with some wisdom on encouraging our...

Sticky Situations | “Breast is Best!” (Except When It Isn’t)

We moms are all supposed to be on the same team, right? But what about those times when you catch another mom giving you a sideways judgy glance - whether it's because you just...

Chic New Eco-baby Store

If you are ever around the Shea/Scottsdale Rd. area in the near future, you have got to stop at the cutest little boutique.  It's called Liv Eco Baby Boutique and Diapery.  SMB loves supporting...

The Belly Diaries (Part II) | 26 week Update | My Pregnancy Unplugged

We’re back with SMB’s Belly Diaries guest vlogger, Michelle, and her 26 week update! If you missed her 16 week video update, 19 week video update or her 22 week video update be sure to go...

Scottsdale Cooking Club | Favorite Brunch Recipe

Hello SMB readers, thanks for having me!! I am Moriah, and I am doing a guest post about our wonderful Scottsdale Cooking Club. Our fellow SCC blog writer, Mandi, was unable to attend our...

Popsicles Just for Mommy

Well, I guess it's official:  summer is here.  My summer angst isn't too different than most moms'...what do I do with the kids, what will the electric bill be in July, and how on...

Adoption in Arizona

Adoption can seem incredibly overwhelming to couples just starting the process, and we were in the same boat when we decided to adopt!  There are ways to navigate the system in Arizona, though, and...

SMB Photo Challenge | Cuddly

It’s photo challenge time! Our first challenge posted a couple weeks ago was GRASS. For those of you who are following along, we would love to see what you captured… feel free to share...

Belly Diaries (Part II) | 22 weeks | My Pregnancy Unplugged

We’re back with SMB’s Belly Diaries guest vlogger, Michelle, and her 22 week update! If you missed her 16 week video update and her 19 week video update be sure to go back to view it… they...

Bountiful Baskets | Farm fresh produce in Scottsdale

Spring is here and I have grilling on the brain.  Maybe that's because spring in Arizona feels like summer everywhere else.  The weather is perfect, and it's not yet too hot to enjoy a...

Mommy Fashion

I'm always inspired by the fashion shows in NY.  I love design (and clothes, frankly).  One show from the Spring 2011 shows that got a ton of great press was Jil Sander.  As is...

Scottsdale Cooking Club | Favorite Cookbook Recipe!

Hello everyone! So nice to be back again! We had a wonderful time at Cooking Club last week. Unfortunately we were missing a lot of our group so we enjoyed a small and intimate...

The Magic of Fairy Tales

I was at a parent night on elementary curriculum recently and the principal was giving us a brief rundown of the literature our kids would be studying next year.  The same words kept cropping...

SMB Photo Challenge | Grass

Hey photography mamas!  Are you ready for a fun summer project we can all work on together? I think the best way to get our creative juices flowing is to inspire and encourage each...

Belly Diaries (Part II) | 19 weeks | My Pregnancy Unplugged

We're back with SMB's Belly Diaries guest vlogger, Michelle, and her 19 week update! If you missed her 16 week video update be sure to go back to view it... it's just too good to...

Adventures in Vacation Rental – Part II

If you read my last post on renting a house for your next family vacation instead of staying in a hotel, you may remember I promised to give you my packing list.  I'll spare...

Candid Motherhood | Sorta-Camping

So, this past weekend we went sorta-camping. What? You've never heard of sorta-camping before? Well, let me define it for you. Sorta-camping is when you let your friends buy expensive camping gear, spend all...

Adventures in Vacation Rental – Part I

With only seven weeks of school to go, my thoughts start to drift to the most important aspect of summer survival: how to escape this heat bubble we call home. We are not so...

Scottsdale Cooking Club: Favorite Dessert :)

Hi everyone! Thanks for having me back!! It is that time of month again! That’s right we met for our monthly Scottsdale Cooking Club on Wednesday and it was so nice to be back!...

GREEN FAMILY LIVING | Reduce Indoor Smog with Flowers and Love

Our wonderful Arizona summers are right around the corner and that means fewer hours will be spent outdoors and crank the AC girlfriend because it’s indoor AZ family hibernation time! While we all dread the...

Coordinating Your Family For a Photo Shoot!

Oh my goodness, why is it so hard to force a group of people to do exactly what you want, when you want them to?  If you’re trying to organize your family into a...

Belly Diaries (Part II) | 16 weeks | My Pregnancy Unplugged

We've heard such awesome feedback from so many moms about our first Belly Diaries Mama, Brittany, that we thought why not have  a Part II (and Part III and who knows, maybe even Part...

10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Vitamin D

This month we have been talking about The Great Outdoors, and another awesome thing about getting outside is the health benefits!  I know that when I get outside with my kids, I just feel...

Stay in Date Night- Al Fresco Style

Spring is upon us. The weather is becoming nicer, and here in Arizona it is absolutely beautiful! It is this time a year that I romanticize the idea of Al Fresco dining; setting a...

Adventures in Potty-Training

There are 6 words that have the utter potential to rattle a mama of a preschooler to her very core. "Mommy, I have to go potty." And although they are very welcomed words after 3 years...


Did those words just make you sit up a little straighter in your chair? Does the thought of going out to eat (and hence, NOT cooking tonight) make you sing a little song inside,...

Finding entertainment the whole family can feel good about.

“Mom! Mom, do you like Justin Beaver?” (not a typo) “Mom, EVERYONE at school has seen Gnomeo & Juliet and they said it is SO funny. Can we go?” “But Mom, John’s mom lets him watch...