“Women Voters” are a much sought-after demographic for the 2012 Presidential Election. As a mom, I’ve been perplexed by how often I hear or read “women voters care about XXX” or “mothers in this country care about YYY issues...
I'm only two kids in, but I definitely have preferences and favorites for baby and toddler products. Here are a few of my favorites.
Burt's Baby Bee Multipurpose Ointment - This miracle ointment is so smooth and works like a charm...
My husband and I always wonder how we came to have such an extroverted son. We consider ourselves introverts through and through. Big parties? No way. Small talk? No thanks. Being the center of attention? Would rather go to...
Oh my my my! Ladies - Joy and I couldn't be MORE different when it comes to our thoughts on shopping with children.
Honestly after reading through her post this morning, I almost choked on my coffee when reading the...
The dopamine dilemma and pruning - Kids brains and screens
We all have been there. “Just one more show, Mom!” “Five more minutes, pleeeeeaase!”
We all have a certain Mom-sense that too much screen time isn’t good—for our kids or for...
Recently our family traveled cross-country for a wedding in a big city. As all of you know, the planning of travel and logistics with kids is never fun. We were staying downtown and would not have a rental car....
Please tell me I'm not the only one that wakes up each morning to an inbox of 20+ emails from various deal sites?! Ok, maybe it's not exactly that many, but there are certainly a lot of deal sites...
I never understood why parents got so emotional about their child starting school until about a week before watching my oldest walk through the door of her Kindergarten classroom. While exciting, it also made me sad and I had trouble...
Soon after having Nora I got a copy of The Rookie Mom's Handbook: 250 Activities to do with (and without!) your baby. It's been a great resource for ideas and information. And a great gift for a new-momma!
One of...
We love to share products and businesses that we get to try here at SMB! Here is our Thank You Thursday for April.
My husband, Brandon, made an excellent observation several days ago.
He said, “By now, I’m used to the fact that you’re pregnant, but the concept of having a child within the next couple months is still a little unbelievable.”
I couldn’t...
At the beginning of summer my “neighborhood mom group” was out to lunch together and someone asked me the plans for my oldest come fall. I told her where we were sending my oldest to preschool, our schedule and...
There is nothing I love more than a good chance to dress up. I mean in a second life I might be a stylist or fashion blogger.
I really love everything about fashion. clothes, and style.
I view it as an...
It's time for another Contributor Corner post! If you've missed our previous installments and want to know things like what our lovely ladies keep in their purse or where they grew up, be sure to check out previous Contributor...
Phoenix Children's has a very unique specialist that all moms in our area should know about. Dr. Franklin specializes in ACHD, Adult Congenital Heart Disease. If you are a mom in our area with ACHD or you are planning...
he word is out! Scottsdale Moms Blog has opened a casting call for new contributors! Here are my own Top 4 reasons why YOU should take the plunge and join us!
You know when you can't believe something that actually came out of your child's mouth? Something profound, something funny, something embarrassing, or even something that stumps you. I've had my share of "Naia-isms" you just can't make up that...
Traveling with kids gets a bad rap. Many people avoid it because it seems more trouble than it’s worth. Sure, travel with kids is harder than traveling alone. But if you’re prepared, it can be fun and rewarding.
My husband and...
It's National Breastfeeding Month as well as World Breastfeeding Week, and we are honored to present a three-part series with Board Certified Lactation Consultant (and Scottsdale mom/grandma!) Andrea Mansor. Andrea is answering breastfeeding questions submitted by you, our readers,...
I know what women want, especially sleep-deprived, overextended Scottsdale moms. We want a spa day. We want one hour, or two, or five of uninterrupted, unadulterated quiet time dedicated to feeling whole again. We want … and I would...
Every month our kiddos see me heading out the door carrying an appetizer or a bottle of wine to my book club meeting and they squeal about how much they want to come with me. And I get it,...
Hi mamas! This post about maternity leave on a budget is so timely for summertime in the Valley, and since we recently met a bunch of new moms at Mom's On The Move, we thought we'd make a few...
As mothers, we often find things overwhelming or hard in the moments where we lose our sense of self. In order to properly care for the people around us, we truly need to stay true to who we are....
2 Months: 14 lbs 8 oz, 23 1/4” Long
Easton was born on December 3rd, and the first few weeks of his life were what I like to call the “Crescendo to Christmas”. You know what I mean. Christmas music...
Mama, you should date yourself. No, I'm not talking about wearing big mall bangs or whatever fashion fad you were once a slave to. I'm talking about taking yourself out on a date. Just you. Alone. By yourself.
Does the idea excite you or do you...
A couple years ago my family and I went to the beautiful island of Maui to celebrate a year of accomplishments in my job. I was excited to be winning an award in sales that year and proud to...
I recently attended an awesome creative workshop called The School of Styling (you can read more about my experience there on my blog) where one of the speakers, who was first a successful personal blogger before launching a widely...
Few things define a woman as much as her purse. It’s an inner sanctum we rarely allow others into. And, on the rare event that we have to lay it all bare and allow someone else in, be it...
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, homeschooling has gained immense popularity for its flexibility and personalized approach. Homeschooling empowers parents to take charge of their child's education, tailoring lessons to meet individual needs. One name that's been making waves...
With Labor Day behind us, we’re full speed ahead into September and can now finally safely assume that all the kiddos are back in school.
We’ve been back at it for full two weeks and as we find ourselves now...