The following situations are based on my experiences. Please contact your doctor for any medical advice regarding your personal circumstance.
Let me start out by saying that being “good enough” is falling way short in my perfectionist world. I am...
Trying to find your Zen place doesn’t necessarily mean you need to trek across town to a yoga studio. You can create a space in your home to practice your best yoga pose or relax with deep breathing. Here...
The following situations are based on my experiences. Please contact your doctor for any medical advice regarding your personal circumstance.
Okay, to all the sick moms out there… We’ve talked about my journey and trying to be a good mom...
Sunscreen. The most used AZ summer product and for me the most frustrating one. The bottles end up super greasy and leak all over my bag. They're also bulky. And I have the hardest time applying it on my...
The following situations are based on my experiences. Please contact your doctor for any medical advice regarding your personal circumstance.
The previous posts in this series have been directed to the chronically sick parent (Part One, Part Two, & Part...
Are you in a workout rut? Need a new routine? Want to start working out but don't know where to start? The Bar Method may be the answer for you! I had the chance to try a month here this...
These are SMB's favorite things for 2017! These amazing sponsors helped us spoil our contributors with gifts and giveaways and we want to share them with you too. Check out these amazing products and services.
This is my 7-year-old’s hair. It’s been like that since she was 4; super thick, super long with a slight natural wave, and the envy of many adults (myself included). So naturally I freaked out when the first lice...
Since having our 6 1/2 month old, Sedona, in February our life has been a whirlwind! Even though it seems like yesterday that we just brought her home, being parents has been so rewarding. It's fun, hectic, stressful, and...
These brisk and dry December mornings have been a nightmare for my skin. I was so grateful to be able to try out the facial services offered by Kayla Hernandez at Luxury Skin Scottsdale. With her 13 years experience...
Stephens, a research company, has just opened an Arizona branch and they are looking for local participants to earn extra money by taking part in their cosmetic and consumer care product studies!
The company is looking for adult males and...
Happy New Year! As you know the beginning of a new year is the start of a new you. The most common New Years resolution is to lose weight and to eat better. I am sure we have all...
Thank you to Jennifer Cropp, MD from North Scottsdale Pediatrics for providing flu symptoms and treatments resources for this post.
As parents, we dread flu season. We hate to see our children sick, and we as parents just don't have...
Do you have a child and want to participate in a local study and get paid for it? Sign up to have your child use a body cream and get compensated up to $125!
Stephens is looking for males and...
Everyone loves a good spring cleaning session. There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction that comes with gazing upon a clean and organized closet or garage! But with all the spring cleaning that goes on this time of year, it’s...
I can’t believe that it is March and the cold/flu season is still going strong! Honestly, the flu scared me so much this year that I avoided the gym so I didn’t have to put my baby in their...
As a busy mom of 4 and business owner, I sought an intimate gym atmosphere that afforded me a great work out before carpool, work, and life began vying for my time.
I needed a gym that gave me an...
Scottsdale has no shortage of salons, spas, and med spas for all sorts of treatments. If you are looking into getting a treatment, whether it's hair removal or body contouring, may we suggest Light RX Scottsdale?
This past spring, I...
Summer in Arizona. Also known as the “Desperation Months” when we parents attempt to keep our kids busy so that we can maintain at least an ounce of our sanity. Often, this means our kids are trying out new...
I’ve recently been interested in knowing more about different essential oils and how you can use them daily. I knew a little about oils in skincare and hair products, but I had no idea there are certain ones you...
These tips come with love and no B.S. from a fellow mom who has gone from fit to fat to fit again with a child in between and all the wonderful craziness that comes with motherhood. I’ve been there. I’ve...
"Mommy has a tummy ache," I told my daughter as I lay on the floor next to her while she played with her baby dolls. I was in the midst of an IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) flare-up and waves...
Discussing childhood immunizations can sometimes become a rather heated topic.
Parents are faced with making important decisions about their children’s healthcare from the minute they first find out they are having a baby. We consult the internet, books, family members,...
If you are reading this, you know that being a mother is one of the most rewarding yet challenging jobs you will endure in a lifetime. A close second is navigating your intimate relationship with your partner. As a...
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. A common question that many parents have when choosing a dental provider for their kids is what is the difference between a pediatric dentist and a general dentist? While it is possible...
Before kids, your life was totally about you. Where you wanted to work, what you wanted to eat, how much sleep you needed (or didn't need!) - it was all up to you. After kids, well, let's just say,...
Thank You Thursday {April Edition}
Thank You Thursday is a sometimes monthly Scottsdale Moms Blog series. The team at SMB is so LUCKY to receive products, try new local venues, and hear about new things to do all the time....
Each year, we bring a collection of tried and true products that our mother's love in our thoughtfully curated Mother's Day Gift Guide! You might notice some products on the list that we bring to you over and over,...
I love the movement that is rising up and celebrating body positivity. The premise behind this is loving your body at any size and celebrating it. This movement encourages people to stop hating their bodies and instead appreciate what...
It's never too early to start building self-confidence in our girls. It happened the other day. I caught her looking intensely in the mirror. Scrutinizing her face, concentrating, judging. Assessing her appearance and coming up short.
“Mom, am I pretty?”