Kate Eschbach

Kate Eschbach
Kate writes a lifestyle legacy blog named Songs Kate Sang and is a professional photographer. She enjoys handwritten correspondence, and may break out into musical numbers at any time. She and her husband Brian have been married since 1999. They have five children with a 17 year age span. She is a Texas girl and lived in Arizona for 12 wonderful (and hot!) years. Kate writes from the heart about adoption and miscarriage. She is passionate about encouraging and serving others!

The Best Time to Shop for Kids

Have you ever wondered when is the best time to shop for kids? As we try to plan our budgets and keep up with how quickly our kids are growing, a little planning can...

The Best Parks and Playgrounds In and Around Scottsdale

The Best Parks and Playgrounds In and Around Scottsdale Scottsdale, Arizona is a wonderful place to raise children. The hikes, parks, playgrounds, and desert scenery are world class. These are our local favorites! - The...

Top 12 posts over the 12 years of Scottsdale Moms

Twelve years ago two beautiful ladies had a vision for a community of encouragement, vulnerability, and togetherness on the journey of motherhood in Scottsdale, Arizona. We are celebrating our 12 year anniversary and cannot help...
Strategies for parents of children with learning disabilities

Strategies for Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities

Have you ever wished you could sit down with a doctor and learn what strategies they have seen be successful for parents of children with learning disabilities?  https://youtu.be/aydlGQk6HZQ Our co-owner, Kate, sat down with Dr. Ali...
top posts

The Top 5 Posts of 2021 for Scottsdale Moms

Our team of contributors is incredible! Each month, they volunteer their time and talent to share what they hope will make the journey of motherhood a little bit easier. Here are this year's top...
interview with Dr. Franklin

Interview with Dr. Franklin – Mothers with ACHD

Phoenix Children's has a very unique specialist that all moms in our area should know about. Dr. Franklin specializes in ACHD, Adult Congenital Heart Disease. If you are a mom in our area with...

Are probiotics good for you?

In the past few years, probiotics have become one of the most popular suggestions to treat gas and bloating, constipation, and immunity health. Although the word, probiotics, may be familiar to us, we may...

The best Christmas lights in Scottsdale and Phoenix in 2021

On the Friday evening after Thanksgiving, my family piles in the car ready to see Christmas lights! We spend the day putting up the tree, decorating the house, watching movies (Elf if I have...

Holiday Gift Guide – The best gifts for Arizona moms and kids {2021}

The holidays of 2021. Oh mama, you have done an amazing job navigating through so much change this year. We are honored to walk beside you through the highs and the lows. We wish...
interview with Dr Newby

Interview with Dr. Newby – Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe

Dr. Newby from Phoenix Children's Pediatric and our co-owner Kate discussed tips for keeping your kids safe with the current COVID situation. These great reminders are from a mom and doctor who offers gentle...

Best Tips from a Pediatric Dentist in Scottsdale, Arizona

Have you ever wanted to sit down with a dentist and ask them all your questions! Dr. Alli, from Arcadia Pediatric Dental, sat down with Kate and gave us her best dental tricks to...

4 Reasons You Should Stay at Hotel Lulu in Anaheim, California

Last weekend my family enjoyed a visit to Disneyland! We were invited to stay at the family friendly Hotel Lulu in Anaheim, California. This BW Premier Collection by Best Western property received a complete...
infant sleeping solutions

Infant Sleeping Solutions with Building Blocks

Chelsea, with Building Blocks Family, shared all about infant sleeping solutions! She helps start you right out of the gate with a strategy for emotional and physical healing while learning all about your baby....
tummy time

Tummy Time Techniques with Growing Forward Therapy

During our Bloom event, Chelsea from Growing Forward Therapy taught us about the importance of tummy time. She gave us tried and true tummy time techniques to help with your infant. With the importance of...

Back to School Options in Arizona

Living in Arizona means we have countless back-to-school options available to every family! Families can choose from microschools, traditional, homeschool, charter, private, and parochial schools. It is wonderful to have so many choices available...

Proven Skincare Results with Dermatologist’s Choice

Created in 1981, Dermatologist's Choice was founded by Dr. B to achieve dermatologist level skincare results at home!  After forty years in the skincare business, they are leaders at helping women achieve lasting results with...

MIM’s Summer of Science STEM Video Collection

There is a window of time each morning that my children are ready for something interesting. They are awake, full of breakfast, and ready for a new day to begin, but I need a...

The Importance of Reading: Jacqueline with Jacque’s Book Nook

At our recent Bloom event, Jacqueline walked us through a wonderful discussion on why reading to our children is so important! Reading books together connects parents and children through adventure and shared experiences. Setting...

Interview with Amy Carney, Scottsdale Mom and Parenting Coach – Could Foster Care Be...

When you have triplets, followed by a new baby 18 months later, you are thrown into the deep end of parenting. This was just the beginning of Amy Carney's parenting journey. Amy Carney, local...
Scottsdale Moms and Power Up

Interview with Erin Stremcha, Scottsdale Mom and Author of Power Up

Erin Stremcha took a personal gift to her son and decided to share it with the world. Allow me to introduce you to her new book, Power Up. Erin wrote a book for her son,...

SPIRIT UNTAMED Printable Activity Kit

An epic adventure about a headstrong girl longing for a place to belong who discovers a kindred spirit when her life intersects with a wild horse, Spirit Untamed is the next chapter in the beloved story from DreamWorks...
Name Bubbles

Name Bubbles – Are you ready for summer camp?!

Are you ready for summer camp?! My children cannot wait to make new friends, swim, play, and devote the summer to having the time of their lives!  Are you sending your kids to camp this summer?...
Bumkins plates and bowls

Interview with Jakki Liberman – founder and president of Bumkins

Did you know that right here in Phoenix, we have the home of a major baby and toddler brand manufacturer? I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Jakki Liberman, the founder...

The Pines Motel – Our go to getaway

The heat this summer was incredible. Record breaking, absolutely numbing heat. Our family has lived in Arizona for twelve years, and after this heat we desperately needed a get away. I called The Pines...

Midi Bites – the Perfect on the go Snack

This has been the summer of trying new things! Why not?! We have the time and any new food or experience has been exciting and fun to do. Midi Bites are a new addition...

Generous Gifts for our ‘Thank You to the Helpers’

We are so excited to announce that an amazing group of local sponsors has come along beside us and donated to create a generous gift basket for our 'Thank You to the Helpers' winner! Generous...
Thank you to the helpers

Thank You to the Helpers

Thank you to the helpers - the helpers, the front line workers, the essential workers... There are so many names that we could call you, but there are two important words that must be said....

Never Let a Good Crisis go to Waste

“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Winston Churchill is credited with first saying this in the mid-1940s as we were approaching the end of World War ll. As the world around us...

Book Round-Up: New Toddler Picture Books for your library

If your home is anything like mine, I'm guessing that there are a few books that you have read 471,381,577 times and you are ready for a few new books in your rotation! We've...

Mother’s Day Gift Guide – Gifts Created by Women, For Women

Each year, we bring a collection of tried and true products that our mother's love in our thoughtfully curated Mother's Day Gift Guide! You might notice some products on the list that we bring...