Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night: Math Does It!

Math Does It!

sleep through the night


Get your baby to sleep through the night: Math does it! Calculating sanity for the parents of an infant? Actually, it’s just simple addition, but it feels like magic! Below, you will read about the formula, literally, that leads to what I like to call, “The Holy Grail of Infancy.”. This is about making it happen, not waiting however many weeks or months it takes for your baby to decide “it’s time”. If you’re just needing more sleep or, you’re planning to / trying to return to your outside employment well-rested….You only need to ask yourself one question: How badly do I want it? -Again, repeat after me: stiff spine, nerves of steel; stiff spine, nerves of steel; rinse and repeat. Now, get psyched up!

Great news! You can initiate this plan as early as after your baby’s 6 week check up! Your baby needs first to be declared “healthy” and at a solid body weight by your trusted pediatrician. At this point, your baby’s standard, daily feeding interval needs to be already at 3 hours. (If it isn’t, discuss the “why not” and develop a feeding plan with the pediatrician.) Let the doctor know your intention to start lengthening feeding intervals; and, it’s your goal to get your baby to sleep through the (longer, please!) night. For instance, a 5-hour overnight sleep can be “gradually” increased (according to baby’s level of cooperation) to a more compassionate 8 hours-plus of nighttime sleep. Excitedly, I can report that this transition takes you from an overnight “nap” (let’s be real – that’s how it feels!) to an 8-hour overnight sleep. Guess what?! This can be achieved in as little as 12-16 days! Read on….

Next, I will tell you the real secret of this merciful plan:

  1. Once you’ve chosen your Starter Day , then identify the approximate time of your first chosen feeding of the day. Next, ADD +15 MINUTES TO THAT TIME = THAT time is THE time you should aim for as the “second” feeding. For example, if baby wakes crying to eat at 7am; the feedings are already 3 hours apart; then, take note that the next feeding should be at 10 am + 15 minutes = 10:15, 2nd Feeding; and, so on, and so forth, throughout the day’s feedings until what you consider to be the last feeding of the day.
  2. *(See also, my previous article, in October issue of SMB, “Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night: Get Prepared!”, which acts as a part 1 of 2 to this article.) DISTRACT YOUR BABY TO GET THROUGH THAT EXTRA 15 MINUTES, if necessary.
  3. Do this for 4 DAYS!! Baby should be adjusted to that 3 hour and 15 minute interval by then, or soon after.
  4. At the end of each approximately 4 DAY INTERVAL, increase the interval by 15 minutes again.
  5. Carry on with this plan until ALL feedings throughout the day are now ALL 4 HOURS APART. At that point, the magic should be taking hold, and you should be approaching or have already arrived at a 7-plus hour per night overnight sleep.

This strategy has the potential to eventually increase your baby’s overnight sleep to 12 hours per night – sooner or later.  Reach out! The Holy Grail is within reach!! Don’t give up!!! Get your baby to sleep through the night: Math does it! YOU GOT THIS.

Other helpful resources:

Infant Sleeping Solutions with Building Blocks

How to Wean a Stubborn Toddler from Breastfeeding

Pediatric Providers Guide