Engage Your Child with Kiwi Crate


There is nothing my five year old son loves more than getting mail.  When we received a Kiwi Crate box on our doorstep, he was over the moon with excitement. The Kiwi Kit offers a great lesson in science. And as a mom, I found something educational to do with my child.

The Kit

This month’s kit was themed “My Body and Me.” As a mom who is familiar with science, but definitely no expert, it had everything I needed to create an afternoon of fun and learning. All necessary pieces, paper, and pens were included in the box. 

The Activities

We followed the directions so easily.  Our first activity had my son create a stethoscope.  He loves LEGOs. It was easy for him to put these different tubes and connectors together.  I guided him, but at five years old he easily was able to construct the instrument. We tested it out of him, my husband, and stuffed animals.  It was a great discussion builder.

Next, we began the organ crafting part.  The kit came with a large map of the human body and we were able to talk about what’s inside our bodies. 

The activity for this was stitching a brain, stomach, and heart from felt and yarn.  I made the first knot and showed him how to sew the string in each hole.  He loved inserting the stuffing and having control over how much he could use.  I had to stitch up the end of each, but an older child could have done this easily on his or her own.  To add some fun and whimsy, each organ came with google-y eyes and directions for a smile.

Our final activity had us playing with bones and x-rays.  This part was probably our least favorite as it was easy to jump in without reading directions.  But once we did, we learned how to lay down the bones using the previous map and test the special paper against light to see an image transfer.

Each activity was timed really well.  My son’s attention or interest never disappeared.  He was eager to see finished products and took pride in what we were creating.

I highly recommend the kit for families who want to be part of their child’s education.  Our kit offered a great lesson in learning, and both he and I had fun.