Playroom Organization Ideas & Other Home Organization Tips


I am, what I like to call, a “stuffer.”

I stuff things I’m not sure where they go into drawers with the thought that “someday” I’ll organize the drawer and find a spot for said random object. That’s why I was thrilled when I learned that I’d have the opportunity to try out some of the services offered by Danielle from Wurth Organizing!

I had the perfect spot for her to help me with. My playroom has some nooks and crannies that I’ve been filling with sewing projects, kids craft supplies and my own arts and crafts stuff.

(See my cramming techniques in action in the “Before” photo.)

I want to have a space where creativity can flourish and art is second nature. A spot where it’s easy to find everything and everything has a lovely, orderly home. But when Danielle arrived, the Playroom had become a bit of an overwhelming collection of lots and lots of different projects and I didn’t have the time or the energy to take the steps to get things in order.

We started with Danielle talking with me about my goals for the space, explaining the process and getting the area ready for us to go through everything – and I do mean everything! Then we got to work. Well, Danielle got to work and me and my pregnant self assisted the effort.

As we worked, we rearranged some furniture to help the room function better. And she started finding little things that I already had laying around the room to re-purpose for storage. Most of the things she helped with and pointed out as solutions I continued to say to myself ,”my brain just doesn’t work that way” or “I would have never thought of doing it that way.” Her expertise and passion or order quickly paid off and made our playroom much more user-friendly and, of course cleaner from a day-in-day-out stand point.

Thank you Danielle for sharing your passion for organization with me and my family!!!

Check out all of these great resources from Wurth Organizing!!!


“Creating a Firm Foundation – You Must Have a P.L.A.N.” copy written e-book for how to set up and run a bustling household and balance your personal time management juggling it all.


A fun and informative FREE monthly newsletter on all things organized that folks can register for via my website.


(1) hour phone consult, (4) hour hands-on organizing session


Registration is in full swing by visiting at

90-Minute House Tour covering every closet, cupboard and drawer of my organized family abode. Morning and Evening Tour options and quality childcare provided on site while they work on their personalized take home chore chart. Portion of proceeds benefit non-profit for women supporting women in need.